"handsome like his uncle." Khalid whispered, rubbing the baby's nose with one finger. The baby, its doughy face molding into a smile, cooed back at him.

Fajr rolled her eyes; "I am amazed at the high level of self-confidence you have."

"You both are going to be lovely parents." Ruqaya's voice sounded from behind them and a flame of scarlet crept across Fajr's cheek while Khalid's face lit up with pleasure; "no doubt!"

His comment made Fajr feel uneasy, she glanced at him, then immediately looked away.  However, she managed to put on a smile at Ruqaya who walked forward to take the baby from her. Ruqaya sat on the other sofa facing them, playing with her baby's cheeks she said; "Look how it has enjoyed your company"

"Well, we will keep him in mind when we have our first daughter." Fajr's discomfort grew rapidly, she nudged Khalid with her elbow to stop the words in his mouth. A faint tremor of amusement was on Khalid's lips.

Ruqaya thought that Khalid was dropping a hint to her, so she exclaimed with excitement; "oh Fajr! Are you?"

Fajr got confused for a moment, and as soon as she comprehended what Ruqaya was referring  to. She shook her head repeatedly; "no. no I'm not."

Ruqaya winked at her; "come on! You don't need to hide it." Khalid held back a smile, his eyes suggested a laugh on the inside. Fajr gave him a heavy stare, he quickly looked away, but not before  she caught the edge of his little smile. She knew he had given Ruqaya the false impression intentionally. Fajr stood up saying; "I'm not hiding anything." She approached Ruqaya offering to take the baby to bed, but Ruqaya rose to her feet and smiled; "no. you stay here. I'll do that."

As she'd gone, Fajr took her previous seat and glared at Khalid;      Khalid, what's in your head?

With a questioned look he said: "A brain I guess?"

She retorted with some grumbling; "Funny! what are you trying to do?"

So relaxed, he put one of his legs over the other and repeated her question as if innocent; "What am I trying to do?!"

She pointed at the way Ruqaya went through and clenched her teeth; "Ruqaya took the wrong idea! Thanks to you."

"You said it, SHE took the wrong idea, why are you blaming me"

"because it's you who gave her a false hint, Khalid."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What's the false hint by the way?"

"now she would think that I am with a child and don't want to tell her ..."

He leant forward resting his chin on his grip; "so what?"

Fajr frowned; "You know it's not so..." Fajr stopped mid-sentenced, not willing to say more.

But Khalid was amused, "it's not so right now... maybe it'll be so by the end of the day."

A sob escaped her lips, tears finally spilling over in a flood of raw emotion. She wished that she could see his reaction when he would know.


In Jeddah...

Being cooped up behind four walls caused botheration to him. He thought of going to his family house, but their constant questions about Fajr and when she would come back, frustrated him. Instead, he pulled into a nearby bookstore and after a few minutes he returned with a bag containing five books he had just bought. He settled in behind the wheel after putting the plastic bag thick with the five books on the front passenger seat. He looked at the bag contained the books which brought back a memory, that took place a few weeks after their marriage...

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