New old encounters

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The next day I went back to my office to find a load of work on my desk.

"I need you to go through this once, I think you'll reject it but just go through it once" Maria spoke cautiously as she placed a file on my table.

The file held a project guide of a collaboration of architectural fashion photography being featured in the magazine. The photographer being one of the most famous photographers currently in the industry.

Kim DoYun.

"Of Course he must have found out too, should I just reject it for you?" Maria suggested and I shook my head.

"It's been three years and I have a new partner now, this is work. Plus it's a good project, I don't want to let go of a good opportunity like this after the scandal." I said, closing the file and tossing it to the side of my desk. "Give me until tomorrow, I'll confirm if to reject or accept it."

After the day ended, I decided to give Dokyeom a call. He must have been coming home from practice since he was covering up for yesterday's lost time.

"Listen, there's something I wanted to talk to you about, when can you talk?" I asked and he told me he'd call me once he had reached his home.

As promised, Dokyeom called me once he reached home and I started the conversation with some light questions.

"You said you wanted to talk about something, what's up?" he asked and I sighed before answering him.

"I got a new project request today, it's for architectural fashion photography. The photographer is Kim DoYun" I told him and waited patiently for his answer as I looked at a distance.

"Kim DoYun as in your ex-boyfriend? The best photographer or something?" he asked, confirming and I nodded.

"Hana?" he asked again and I slapped my forehead.

"Yes him, sorry I just nodded, didnt realise I was on call." I replied and Dokyeom hummed from the other side.

"Are you disturbed because of this? You don't want to do it?" he asked and I sighed again, confusion taking all over me.

"I don't know, we both have a lot of history. Before you, he was my one serious boyfriend, but the ice skating trauma that I had related to him, is almost as good as gone so-" I told him referring to the ice skating incident.

DoYun had taken me out on the ice rink and made me skate there to get over my trauma, but it hardly helped anything. Instead that day became one of the main reasons for the declination of our relationships. Everytime we fought, he and I would bring up how I wasnt ready to get over my ice skating trauma. While he would suggest I had issues with moving on in general, I would get mad about how he had made me ice skate when I wasn't comfortable. Technically, we both were wrong, and not wrong to some extent, but neither of us realised it.

"If it's not what you're comfortable with, don't do it. Simple" Dokyeom told me, voice straight and clear.

"It's a huge project" My practical self chimed in.

"It's work, you either do it or you don't. Think it over" he bluntly replied and it tugged at me.


"I'm fine, I promise. I trust us more than your past history with him." he replied, sounding tired, and I cursed at myself, making him even more tired after the long practice.

"It won't affect us, I promise" I assured him and he hummed. After asking him if he had dinner we hung up, he was too tired to carry the conversation.

The days rolled on, and my project with DoYun progressed smoothly. Thankfully, our interactions remained minimal, which I appreciated. As the first part of the project concluded, the junior team members proposed an after-work dinner to celebrate.

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Where stories live. Discover now