Trauma disclosure

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The next morning, I approached the bedside and gently nudged Dokyeom's sleeping figure.

"Hey, wake up. Coffee is ready," I whispered, caressing his face gently . Dokyeom stirred, opening his eyes slowly and blinking away the sleep.

The sight of me sitting beside him brought a smile to his face. "Did I oversleep?" he asked, his voice still heavy with sleep; and scooted close to me resting his head on my lap.

"No, it's 9:15 I just thought I'd surprise you with coffee in bed," I replied, pointing at the mug.

Dokyeom sat up, rubbing his eyes. "You're the best, you know that?" he said, accepting the coffee and taking a sip.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked and drank a bit of coffee from Dokyeom's mug that he passed me.

"Let's go on a date. I might have an idea or two." He suggested. We were trying to doing fun things again to get back on our relationship completely. 

Dokyeom's suggestion intrigued me, and I couldn't resist the mystery of a surprise date. We finished breakfast, and he led me to a quaint ice rink nestled in a nearby park. Suddenly all excitement in me was lost and my feet lowered their pace.

As we approached the rink, memories of my past flooded back. The last time I was here, everything had crumbled. I hesitated for a moment, but Dokyeom's excitement was visible.

He guided me to a bench overlooking the ice rink as we wore our skates. We sat there, watching and enjoying the skaters' graceful movements. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of nostalgia and anxiety as the echoes of my past reverberated through my mind.

"Is everything okay?" Dokyeom asked gently, sensing my quietness.

I took a deep breath shaking my head, and answered his question. "I used to skate a lot when I was younger. It was my passion. But then things changed during a competition. I was almost sure I'd become a figure skater." I answered, looking at my skates and then at the rink.

Dokyeom's expression softened, realising the weight of my words. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He spoke gently, rubbing my hand "Do you want to leave?" he asked and I shook my head. "What happened? If you're okay with telling me right now." He asked, there was no force or curiosity, maybe just a way to understand me better.

"It's okay," I reassured him, forcing a smile. "I used to skate since I was 6, and I got up till nationals and I was 14 when I had this huge competition for nationals training selection and I slipped and crushed my ankle pretty badly. I had not been on the ice since then. Until about 4 years back, my ex-boyfriend, DoYun, took me on a rink and said I could still do it. I got on the ice but I couldn't do it. I couldn't even slide through the entire rink smoothly. I wasn't allowed to at first, then I wasn't ready to do it, I guess I still am not."

He nodded understandingly. Instead of pushing, he stayed by my side, offering silent support. We continued watching the skaters twirl. Dokyeom then talked about various topics meanwhile, unlike his usual way of making me giggle and laugh from his silly tricks, we were engaged in a simple conversation. After sitting around for about an hour or so, gradually, I began to settle in the environment around me. The place started feeling harmless-er; not completely, but it was definitely better. Not a danger zone that brought my eyes to see only red signs of 'BEWARE DANGER' like it used to every other time before.

After a while, I surprised myself by saying, "Let's give it a shot."

Dokyeom looked at me for a second to confirm it but then grinned, helping me up. He didn't let me change my mind, he didn't ask if I was sure twice or thrice that would put me into a never-ending overthinking cycle. He let me go with my own flow. Checking my skate laces he gave me a hand and we stepped on the ice.

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