Brownies for all

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After reaching back in Seoul, Jun, Dokyeom dropped me off at my place after we dropped Dino. I took a shower and got dressed into my home clothes and got to baking some brownies. YuJin had a few allergies which is why my sister and her husband tried to keep her off of outside food and made whatever they could at home itself. I finished baking some brownies and packed two boxes of them, one for YuJin and my family and the other for Dokyeom.

I soon got dressed up for the New Years celebration and got in a dress and put on a jacket over it to keep me warm. I started driving up to Dokyeom's house and called him midway.

"Hey" his voice came from the other side and I took a turn towards his apartment.

"Hey, listen, if you're free could you please come down in your apartment lobby? I need to give you something" I say and drive into the basement of his apartment parking lot.

"Yeah sure. Did I leave something back?" he asked, confused and I heard him open a cupboard, probably to put on his shoes, or maybe a cap. I parked my car and got down with the box of brownies and went inside the apartment lobby, didn't want to risk any pictures of us getting caught in the parking lot.

I texted Dokyeom to let him know I had arrived. Within a few minutes, he came downstairs with a curious look on his face and a cap pulled down on his head.

"Hey there," he greeted me with a warm smile. "What brings you here?"

I handed him his box filled with brownies. "I baked these for you," I said, returning his smile. "As a thank you for the amazing trip and the great company and our first day in a relationship."

Dokyeom's eyes lit up with gratitude as he accepted the box. "You didn't have to do this, but I really appreciate it," he replied genuinely and hugged me warmly.

"I was baking some for YuJin so I made some for you as well," I said, feeling a sense of warmth and appreciation for our friendship. "Enjoy the brownies. I hope you like them" I say and we chat for a little while.

"My parents and sister will be here in about 30 minutes, how long is your sister's place from here?" he asked me as we very slowly started walking towards the parking lot.

"Might take around 25 minutes or so." I say checking the time on my phone.

"If you drink, call a driver please, don't drive, okay?" he says, holding my palm in his fingers with concern, a small smile on his lips.

"I will, don't worry. Go home and wear something warm, what's with the shorts, you'll get sick" I said, my aggressive concern coming out for him.

Dokyeom chuckled and pulled me close into a warm hug. "I will, and I'm not falling sick" he said, rubbing my back gently. "You look beautiful" he spoke and I just felt his lips breaking into a smile.

I blushed at his compliment, making me smile as we pull apart from the hug. He pulls my jacket close to keep me warm as well and I chuckle. "Alright now go, and if they're tasty, share with your family too" I said and pecked his cheek as we bid bye to each other and I drove to my sister's house.

As soon as I entered my sister's house, the smell of delicious food hit my nose. YuJin ran towards me and hugged me warmly. I wish New Years to both YuJin and my sister while MeeJin slept in her crib and then helped my sister set the table. 

"Hannie, can I have 2 brownies?" YuJin asked with the box open in front of her and I glanced at my sister "YuJin-ah, just one for now. You can have some later" my sister told her and she pouted and picked up one piece of the brownie.

"Hannie said I could have as many as I want," pouting, she ate the piece and looked at the box. "Do not fall for the cute antics" My sister warned me. 

"But mom!" she complained and I walked towards her and closed the box sneakily picking her up.

I chuckled as YuJin protested about not being able to enjoy the brownies immediately. Placing the box out of her reach, I decided to distract her with the promise of something else exciting.

"Why don't we finish the brownies later?" I suggested. "That way, you can enjoy them more. I want to show you the new dress I designed for you. You wanna see?"

Her eyes lit up with curiosity and enthusiasm as I shifted her away from the tempting brownies. We settled on the couch, and I showed her the design on my phone. Her young eyes studied it with interest, and I could see the wheels turning in her head as she imagined wearing it.

A little while later, she discovered the camera on my phone and decided to have some fun. We clicked a few goofy selfies together, and her infectious laughter filled the room.

As YuJin and I continued to goof around, her curiosity got the better of her. She looked up at me with those innocent eyes and asked, "Hannie, where is my friend DeeKay?" She said his name the way he had introduced himself to her.

I chuckled at her curiosity. "DK is celebrating New Years with his family," I replied with a smile as I caressed her hair. "His name is Dokyeom, and he's older than you, so call him uncle"

YuJin seemed satisfied with the answer but frowned when I reminded her of the honorifics, and we went back to our playful selfie session. But it was clear that she had taken an interest in Dokyeom, probably because of the last meeting.

A little later, YuJin asked, "Can we send these pictures to my friend Dokyeom?" She seemed excited about the idea of sharing our goofy selfies.

I couldn't resist her enthusiasm, so we picked a few of our favourite selfies and sent them to Dokyeom.

To our surprise, not long after, my phone rang with a video call from Dokyeom. YuJin's eyes widened with excitement as I answered the call and his bright smile shined through the screen.

Dokyeom's smiling face appearing on the screen, had YuJin wave at him enthusiastically. "Hi, DeeKay!" she spoke excitedly.

Dokyeom chuckled warmly. "Hi there, little one. I saw your selfies. You and Hannie are quite the duo!"

YuJin beamed with pride. "We're having fun! Are you having fun with your family?"

"I am! My parents and sister are here to celebrate with me. I'm glad you're having fun too YuJinie" he answered and I peeked into the screen so he could see a little bit of me.

"Sorry to disturb you" I said with an apologetic smile and he shook his head, "You're no disturbance to me and I loved those brownies. They're so good, I'm gonna keep them to myself." he spoke with pride and I chuckled.

The video call with Dokyeom had been a delightful experience for YuJin, and she couldn't stop talking about it even after he had to end the call and go for dinner.

As the evening continued, my sister and I exchanged gifts we had bought for each other, a cherished tradition of showing our love and appreciation. We enjoyed a delicious dinner together, the warmth of family filling the room.

My sister made a playful comment about our roles, calling me a "fun rich aunt" and herself the "strict mother."

"You're wrong," I protested, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

My sister chuckled to herself, feeling proud of her parenting skills. "No, I know I'm not that strict."

"Well, you are, which is sort of good at times," I admitted, "but I was saying I'm not just like a fun rich aunt, I am a fun rich aunt." Jiah gave me a look and we both laughed at the playful banter. 

Please comment to let me know your thoughts. 

Thank You for reading <3

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