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I hear Dokyeom and Yu Jin laugh when suddenly Yu Jin stops playing around and shushes him by placing a finger on his lips making him widen his eyes in confusion. 

"Jinnie will wake up" she says whispering and I quickly look behind where the baby cot is kept to see if she has woken up. 

"Who is Jinnie?" Dokyeom asks and Yu Jin points at the cot and Dokyeom's eyes widen with surprise and he looks at me, his mouth wide open in bewilderment. 

"Another one?" he says, sounding giddy and I chuckled at how cute he looked with his surprised face. 

"Her baby sister, she's sleeping now though." I tell him and he nods understandingly. 

"Yu Jin-ah, how about you let me work with DK now? Can I have him for a few minutes, he needs to do some work" I say walking towards them. Yu Jin makes a thinking face and then looks at him.

"Can I play with him after that?" she asks and Dokyeom answers almost immediately. 

"Yes! Let me just quickly finish my work with your aunt and I'll be all yours to play with" he tells her and she nods slowly. "Best girl!" he says boppinng her nose.

"Do you want to draw something till then?" I ask her and she nods and gets out her crayons from her bag and starts drawing something on a paper that I give her.

Dokyeom and I move towards my desk and get seated "What are you doing here?" I ask finally, curious to know about his presence instead of a manager.

"The interview, my manager told me that there were a few things you wanted to discuss before publishing so I asked if I could go instead of someone else." he explained with a knowing face. It was unusual of celebrities to come for such meeting themselves, it was usually the managers and the company PR's that handled their personal information on the public take. 

"You should have told me so then, I anyways was going to send someone to your company with the papers to sign, I'm sorry for causing you trouble" I say apologetically and take out the papers that I needed to cross check. 

"I came here myself, it was no trouble, unless you're not glad to see me. I thought we were getting to be friends now that we had met a few times, and even worked together." he says his frown almost growing sadder by the end of sentence.

"I didn't mean that, I'm very glad to see you; trust me." I explain anxiously seeing his sad face and his lips break into a sweet smile. 

"Then don't be so formal," he says "What do you need to go through with me?" he says with a comforting tone in his voice and pays attention the paper work. 

I take out the papers from the envelope and show him the points that I had to double check with him. I told him how I loved his interview and how he had answered very well; the answers were honest but professional at the same time. It also gave me a bit of a peek into his personal life as well his professional life. We sat around discussing work for about an hour and half, till then Yu Jin had run out of her energy and curled in my arms sleeping soundly. 

"This is the final look then?" Dokyeom asks as he goes through his and Wonwoo's part of the magazine's rough copy as I caress Yu Jin's back gently nodding to answer his question. 

"It's amazing" he says after completing it and leaning back in his chair and watch Yu Jin sleeping in my arms. 

"It's all you." I say with a smile and he just stares back, not answering with anything other than his gaze at me this time. 

This is all new, I had never been so attracted or captivated by anyone as much as I am being by him right now. I was like a piece of metal being pulled strongly at a huge magnet.

The staring kept going on and would have continued for I don't know how long if Mee Jin wouldn't have woken up. Her cries broke out in the room and both of our gazes broke and moved towards the baby cot. The peaks of his ears were all bright red which made me almost proud for having caused that. 

Since I had a curled up Yu Jin in my arms, Dokyeom got up from his seat to pick Mee Jin up, first he hesitated for a second but then unbuckled her from the baby cot and picked up her crying figure.

"Let her see my face" I tell him as he picks up her tiny body in his huge hands gently. He put her on his shoulder so her face was towards me and I faced his back as he patted her back carefully to calm her down. I got up from my place carefully holding Yu Jin in my hands and looked at Mee Jin so she knew she wasn't in an unknown environment. She calmed down while laying her head on his shoulder and I noticed how broad he actually was, the small face really took all of the attention that the rest of his body stayed like a hidden bomb ready to ambush you at an unknown moment.

"She's so cute" Dokyeom whispered after she had settled in his arms and looked at his face. I chuckled at the faces he was making for her to make her smile. Mee Jin's and Dokyeom's laughs filled the room. I made Yu Jin lie on the couch and put a few cushions on the open side so she wouldn't slide down and fall. I go and take Mee Jin's milk bottle out from her bag and walk towards Dokyeom.

Mee Jin sees me and I extend my arms forward for her to come in my arms like she usually does but she does not move an inch away from Dokyeom's side taking him and I both by surprise. 

"Oh? Come on, I need to feed you" I tell her with a pleading voice. 

"They both like me" Dokyeom says in somewhat of a teasing tone with a proud face.

"I am disappointed" I say pouting "I was their favourite human"

"Don't worry I got it, just tell me what to do" he says holding her. 

"I am putting you through a lot of work" I say apologetically but give in, it's not like I had much of a choice right now considering the princess treatment the 7th month baby was getting from Dokyeom.

"It's fine, I promise" he says with a genuine smile. 

"Okay, put your arm under her body, make sure you support her head and neck, hold this in your other hand and see if she's hungry. She might push away the bottle if she doesn't want it" I tell him and help him adjust her on his arm and hand him the bottle. All of this felt extremely domestic and regular with him. A feeling I wasn't used to. During the interview I had researched about Dokyeom and Wonwoo a bit which told me he was an extremely nice and kind person. Deep down I really wished all this behaviour of his wasn't just being nice and kind but had some feelings attached with it towards me.

"Oh, she's drinking it" he says with a smile and continues to feed her.

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Where stories live. Discover now