Scandal pt2

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In the conference room, Scoups, Mingyu and a few managers along with a few HR people were waiting for us.

"We're not going to release any statement right away" One of the managers spoke and Dokyeom shot glares at him and I had honestly not seen him this worked up before.

"Have you even seen the kind of things that are being said about her on SNS?" Dokyeom glared at the HR manager.

"Yah, you don't know how this works okay? Things need to be in a certain situation to give an official answer, understood?" The HR manager shot back, not taking Dokyeom's rage.

"I don't know about how it works? Me? I've been working for more than 7 years in this industry and I know exactly how dirty it can play. They're calling her things no person should ever speak about a woman, they're putting up polls if she's with me or Mingyu on a daily basis" he raged while Scoups and Mingyu looked at the manager for the answer. He had definitely read a lot of comments and whatever he was speaking was only the politest way of saying all the disgusting things said about all three of us on the internet. Seeing his anger and frustration, I kept a hand on his knee to calm him down. His demeanour wasn't anything like I had seen before, he was angry, frustrated but most of all he felt helpless. 

"And yet you decide to backfire at me, ungrateful brat" the HR manager spiked and Mingyu kept Dokyeom down from getting up and causing more of a scene.

"If we release any kind of statement it gives more of them to speculate that one of their thousand guesses is true. You want them to calm down, not bite down your neck." another manager answered, softly spoken this time.

Dokyeom's frustration lingered in the air as he glared at the managers and HR personnel. The room held a tense silence, broken only by the distant hum of the city outside.

Scoups, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "Let's take a step back. Emotions are running high, and we need to approach this strategically."

Dokyeom, though visibly agitated, reluctantly eased back into his seat. I maintained my comforting touch on his knee, silently offering support.

Scoups addressed the group, "We understand the sensitivity of the situation, but we can't ignore the impact this is having on Hana and the two of you. Let's discuss a plan that prioritises all of your well-being and addresses the issue at its core."

Mingyu added, "We can't let this escalate further. There has to be a way to manage the situation without exacerbating it."

The managers engaged in a heated debate, each presenting their perspective. Some emphasised the need for a carefully crafted response, while others leaned toward a more immediate approach.

Amidst the discussions, Dokyeom took a deep breath, visibly trying to regain composure and left the room, giving him a minute. I left the room too and sat down beside him.

I whispered words of reassurance, "We'll get through this together. I won't run away, you don't run away either." I told him firmly and he nodded with his head in his hands.

Dokyeom and I sat silently for a few minutes in comfortable silence when my phone rang and Maria's name shined through the screen.

"Hey, I saw what happened. Are you alright? I had a few calls with our HR department and they want you to lay low" Maria spoke and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Lay low?" 

"Like not coming to the office for a few days" she replied, timidly.

"Maria! How can I do that? We have huge projects coming up, I can't just sit at home" I argued back while Maria reasoned with me on the phone.

"Looks like a little holiday for me," I said, hanging up the call and giving Dokyeom a small smile who had a frown on his face.

"I wish I was some normal nobody, we'd never be in this situation in the first place. Frankly you should run away, now's your chance. Leave me and date some normal human who doesn't have to hide his relationship with you and can show it off proudly. Nobody would question if he's allowed to date a woman or not" Dokyeom sulked and his words took a hit on my heart.

I turned Dokyeom's face towards me and held it in my hands. I leaned in and pressed a long soft kiss on his lips. I didn't let go of his face and held it close to mine and I felt a tear drop from his face down.

"바보"* I spoke slowly and he furrowed his eyebrows. (*idiot)

"You're an idiot. I just told you I'm not running away. I promised you a few days back that I want to do everything with you, spend my life with you. If I run away right now, I'll always think I didn't love you enough to stay and fight for us, and I want to stay and fight for it. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to date you." I told him and more tears streamed down his face and I wiped them off with my thumb.

"Tell me not to leave you Dokyeom. Tell me that we'll get through this and that whatever happens you'll be by my side. I don't want to leave" I said firmly, looking straight into his eyes.

"Don't leave" he whispered and he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back tightly, my eyes becoming watery. "I want you with me, I'm sorry" he spoke and I rubbed his back hugging him.

"Let's take it one step at a time," I suggested, breaking the silence. "We'll handle this together, just like we handle everything else."

Dokyeom simply nodded and we saw Scoups and Mingyu walk out of the door.

"What's the verdict?" I asked, looking at the two of them and they exchanged glances before Scoups started answering.

"They'll release a statement if things get worse, the three of you are supposed to stay off of social sites for a while, as for your job, Hana, they'll get in touch with them but I don't think there is much from our side that we can do." He informed us and I signed. Of all the things that I had expected going wrong from this scandal, having put my job on the line wasn't one of them.

"I'll see what I can do, don't worry about it" I told him and he gave me a faint smile.

"Hyung, we're sorry you had to come here this late, please go back, we'll take it from here" Dokyeom told Scoups, apologetically.

"There's nothing more to discuss anyways, if you both want, go stay at the dorm tonight, Wonwoo, Dino and Jun are staying there tonight, you won't be alone with your thoughts." Scoups told us and then left for his home.

"He really fought for you guys in there, he brought up how he and NaEun noona have had to face difficulties and doesnt want that for you." Mingyu informed us and Dokyeom's shoulders slumped, feeling sorry that Scoups had to fight with the HR for him.

Dokyeom sighed, his expression a mix of gratitude and guilt. "He didn't have to go to such lengths for us."

Mingyu patted Dokyeom's back. "That's what brothers are for. Now, let's figure out the next steps."

I nodded. "Staying off social media and waiting for the storm to pass seems like a reasonable plan for now."

Dokyeom sighed again. "I hate that we have to deal with this. It's not fair to you, Hana or Mingyu either."

"It isn't fair to you either, your girlfriend is being put up to speculations, I don't know what kind of anger must be in your head but try to calm it down, we'll get through it." Mingyu said, keeping a hand on Dokyeom's shoulder, comforting him.

"Dokyeom-ah, we'll all be fine." I assured him by giving him a smile and then looked at Mingyu. "Where are you going tonight? If you want you can come along with us" I told him and he shook his head.

"I'll go to the dorms, have drinks with the others. You both get distracted in something as well if you're not joining me right now." Mingyu replied

"I think we'll head home then?" Dokyeom spoke looking at me and I nodded agreeing with him "Let's go home"

Tired, Dokyeom and I went back home and slept silently without discussing much about the scandal, it was only tomorrow morning that we could know how bad it was going to get. 

Thank you for reading

Please leave comments to let me know your thoughts about this chapter.

amongst the little turn of events, we may or may not have a spicy chapter coming up soon. 

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