An unusual scare

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The next morning, we woke up tangled in each other's arms, a romantic mess in its own. Sleeping drunk had given us a rewarding headache waking up.

Dokyeom woke up before me as I felt him stir beside me in my sleep.

"G'morning" I mumbled holding my head and pressing my eyes shut tightly and Dokyeom grumbled pulling the blanket over us.

"Get up, Dokyeom" I said, head about to explode, as I kicked the blanket away from my body but Dokyeom pulled me close and I swatted his arm away.

"Stop pushing me away" he grumbled. 

"I will throw up if you don't leave me now" I said and he instantly let go of me and I rushed to the bathroom and threw up Dokyeom rushing behind me with sleepy heavy steps and held my hair up as he rubbed my back.

After I was done throwing up the previous night's contents, Dokyeom got up to get me a glass of water and a fresh napkin.

I rinsed my mouth clean of the remnant taste and washed my hands clean, frowning at the terrible taste and noticed Dokyeom walked inside the bathroom with a certain expression, eyes so teary I thought he was about to cry. I turned around to look at him in shock.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and Dokyeom passed the napkin in his hand to me and shook his head, eyes still watery.

"Baby~?" I asked cupping his face gently, "Why are you crying?" I asked genuinely concerned.

"H-Hana" he started and I nodded waiting for him to speak up. "Are you pregnant?" he asked and I froze.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"You-" he started but released himself from my hold on his cheeks and walked inside our bedroom and I followed him behind. Opening my cupboard he pulled out a piece of clothing and held it in front of me.

"First you threw up, and I found this in your wardrobe. Are you pregnant?" He asked, holding up a body con bodysuit.

An elastic body fitting bodysuit.

Watching him hold it with tears in his eyes, I fell to the ground laughing. It was adorable how his mind worked sometimes. 

"Oh my god, where did you get this?" I asked, holding it in my hands.

"Are you pregnant or not?" he asked, voice breaking through.

"Honey" I cupped his cheeks again "Baby, that's mine" I said and hugged him taking my hoodie off which reeked a little of the vomit.

"No it can't be," he said, confused, hands by his side not hugging me.

"It is. It's a product I got sent yesterday from the designer." I explained as I heard his little sobs making my heart ache and melt.

"It's yours?" he asked, his words somewhere between a question and a statement.

"Yeah, why would babywear have boob space?" I asked showing it to him and he chuckled slightly, slowly processing everything.

"Right" he spoke in a low voice, embarrassed a bit.

I raised on my toes and wiped away his tears.

"I threw up because I had a little too much to drink last night" I said and he nodded, wiping his eyes and nose.

"You cried because you thought I was pregnant, god" I spoke in adoration and admiration at his pure reaction.

"Of course, so many images ran through my head, a little us running around, how you'd be with them, how I'd be with them. I was so happy and excited" He spoke and sat down on the bed.

"You want to have a kid with me?" I asked, my heartbeat going higher as I looked at him and he nodded looking up at me with the most genuine eyes I've ever seen.

"I want to do everything with you, I want to go around the world, I want to marry you, I want to have a kid, I want to-" He took a deep breath, tugging on my hand and making me sit on his lap. "I want to grow old with you. I've never said that to anyone, I really mean it." He said, surprised even he had said it out loud.

It was a moment frozen in time, the weight of his words sinking in. The sincerity in Dokyeom's eyes echoed the depth of his emotions, and I felt my own heart respond in kind.

"I... I want that too," I confessed, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions. "I want to create a lifetime of memories with you, and experience everything together."

His smile widened, and he pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You mean it?"

"I do, with every part of my being. I mean it" I answered, honestly.

"I love you Hana, much more than I can explain" he spoke and I hugged him tight, more for securing myself than him.

"I love you so much" I replied and he hugged me closer and tighter.

We stayed in the hug for a while before I let go and looked at him.

"Are you disappointed that I'm not pregnant?" I asked genuinely, and he took a moment before responding.

"No. I mean I was extremely happy and I wouldn't have not wanted it, but I somewhere believe that just the two of us need more time together." He said with a thoughtful expression. "Need more together, not in a way to trust or anything, I trust and believe you entirely-" he explained.

"We need more time to ourselves as just us, I get it, a child comes with many responsibilities." I finished his sentence and he nodded.

"You and I have barely started to get used to our busy schedules. I want to give our baby a lot of time, I don't want to make our child feel left out because of me," he explained and I nodded

"Me either,"

"We can plan a little baby when we know it'll be right for both of us" he said, caressing my cheek and I smiled and nuzzled my head on his neck.

"I love the fact that I love you" I spoke and he chuckled

"and I you" he smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"Let me get a shower, I stink right now" I said and got up from his lap and entered the shower when he put a hand in front of me. 

"Can I join?" he asked cheekily and I shook my head mouthing a 'No'

"We'd be saving water" he suggested and I chuckled 

"I believe that two different showers will together take less time than one single shower together." I said pushing him back and entering the bathroom and closing the door.

"Suit yourself" he said shrugging and pulling my towel away from me. "I'll be right outside if you need anything" he said holding up my towel in his hands and showing it to me. 

I opened the door slightly, peering out to find Dokyeom holding my towel with a cheeky grin. "Really?" I sighed, trying to sound exasperated, but a smile betrayed my true feelings.

"Can I join now?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, playfully swatting him away. "Nice try, but I'm enjoying my solo shower, thank you very much."

He chuckled, handing me the towel. "Suit yourself."

As the door closed again, I couldn't help but shake my head at his relentless playfulness. 

As I stepped out, Dokyeom was waiting with a grin, pretending innocence. "Done with your water conservation efforts?"

"Done and feeling fantastic," I replied, taking my towel from him. 

"Now I'll go save water this time" he said stepping in the shower and soon enough his bathroom concert started.

Thank you for reading 

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