Personal performer

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The next morning arrived with a sense of anticipation. I woke up feeling excited about the plan Dokyeom and I had made to meet at the gym and then enjoy breakfast together. It was a refreshing change of pace. I said goodbye to my sister who was getting ready to leave for her restaurant while the kids slept in their beds. I drove near the gym address that he had sent me at the time he had asked me to pick him up.

As I arrived, I spotted him waiting near the entrance, his face lighting up with a bright smile when he saw me approaching.

"Good morning," he greeted, his voice warm and cheerful.

"Good morning!" I replied, returning his smile. We exchanged a quick hug as he sat in the car.

It was cold outside and yet Dokyeom looked a little bit sweaty, "Good workout?" I asked as we left off for my home.

"Great workout, tho I need to shower, I'm all sweaty, sorry about that" He says and I suggested he take a shower at my place.

Conversation flowed naturally as we were on the way home. We reached home and I let Dokyeom in for the first time in my house, my own safe place and it felt vulnerable for a few moments.

"You have a lovely house" he spoke as he got in and I took his warm jacket and hung it up on the jacket stand. I soon gave him a quick tour of the house.

"What do you want to have for breakfast? I asked as I took out mugs for coffee, and started making coffee for the both of us.

"Whatever works, I'm good with anything." he said and after a bit of a discussion we decided upon making omelettes and side it with some vegetables. I finished brewing the coffee while he took his bag and went into the guest bedroom's bathroom for a quick shower. With Dokyeom freshening up in the guest bedroom's bathroom, I focused on preparing our breakfast. I cracked eggs into a bowl, whisking them with a touch of salt and pepper. As I chopped vegetables, the sizzling sound of the stove filled the kitchen as the omelette pan heated up.

Dokyeom emerged from the bathroom, his hair slightly damp from the quick shower. He looked refreshed and ready to enjoy our meal together. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked, even with his casual morning appearance.

"Do you want to add anything to your omelette?" I asked and he eyed the vegetables "I'm adding garlic and mushrooms in mine" I spoke and he nodded and added them to his as well and we poured the eggs on the pan to cook. Dokyeom put the chopped vegetables in the pan with a bit of seasoning.

While the omelettes were cooking, Dokyeom leaned against the kitchen counter, his gaze focused on me. "Do you enjoy cooking?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

"I do, everyone in the family does actually, my sister owns a restaurant, and I enjoy new foods and trying to cook something different all the time." I answered; stirring the vegetables so they don't burn and turning the flame on low.

As we waited for the food to finish cooking, Dokyeom's damp hair caught my attention. I grabbed a towel and approached him. "You know, you left your hair wet. You might catch a cold," I said, signalling him to tilt his head down so I could dry them myself.

Dokyeom chuckled and tilted his head, allowing me to take care of him. It was an intimate and tender moment, and it felt like a natural extension of our connection. As I dried his hair, our eyes met. Dokyeom extended his arms on my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me gently; our lips moving in a soft sweet rhythm.

The sizzling of the omelettes signalled that they were ready, and we pulled away from the kiss with smiles. "The omelette" he said in a low voice, biting down his smile and we get to plating our breakfast.

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Where stories live. Discover now