A worrying phone call

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Soon we drove back and slept soundly at his place for the night. As the morning came, I heard shuffling noises around me and realised that the other side of the bed was empty. I looked around and saw Dokyeom getting ready.

"You're leaving?" I asked with a slight frown on my face as I rubbed my eyes.

"I have practice, I wanted to sleep in but duty calls" he said with a sad smile as he walked towards me and pushed the hair on my face behind.

"Don't go~" I said, falling back down on the bed and looking at him with a pouty face that made him chuckle.

"I'd love to stay here, but I have to" he said pulling the blanket away from my body to see my face but I pulled it back making it a tug of war.

"I absolutely love how only I get to see this side of yours." He said and jerked the blanket towards himself making me lose a bit of it, the competitive nature making its entry and pulling it back towards myself.

"What side?" I asked and swatted his hand away with a playful snarl as he tried to pull it towards himself

"This, all cute and pouty and adorable side that complains to me, when I leave. Who knew the fierce siren eyes of the fashion industry, where- like Maria likes to say "her glare can fix a designer's design in their head" would be all cute and pouty for me, me of all people. " he said putting an end to the tug of war and holding my hand in his.

"It's your fault, all your fault, and my siren eyes are only for the job, it's work." I said with a shrug and he dramatically put a hand over his heart with surprise.

"Mine? What did I do?"

"You're so- I don't know how to say it, you're so lovable. It makes me all lovey and clingy and never want to let you go, and just stick by your side, like a koala I guess." I said trying to form words and then abruptly stop as if a realisation was coming upon me. "Oh god I'm becoming a clingy desperate girlfriend" I said with a horrified face

Dokyeom laughed looking at me, "I love it, I adore it when you want me to stay and not leave, I love it how honest your eyes look when I'm about to leave, honest as in, they look so full of love, I've never had that before" he said with a soft smile on his face.

"You're flattering me, and spoiling me" I said curling around in the bed so that my head rested on his lap and he patted it slowly.

"I want to and I will continue to" he said and moved down to kiss my forehead. "Okay I really need to leave, I'll see you in the evening" He said and got up making my head fall on the bed, which made him earn a death glare to which he chuckled.

"Do you have a shoot today?" I asked, propping my arm up so that my head rested on the palm of my hand.

"I think, yes. We might have a commercial shoot" he said and moved towards me. "Speaking of shoots," he took off his ring and unclasped my necklace and put the ring inside the chain and pecked my forehead again. "Keep it safe for me, I don't want to take it off for practice."

"You just did," I said, holding it up on my index finger and thumb.

"I gave it to you, it means it's still with me" he said and I giggled at his cheesy yet romantic take on things.

"Have you had breakfast?" I asked as he picked up his bag and other necessary things.

"I'm on a diet, I'll have something later"

"What kind of diet makes you miss your breakfast" I said in an annoyed tone and he picked up his phone and snapped a quick picture of me, surprising me.

"Hey~! I have bed hair!"


"Anyways, eat something before I personally have to call your dietician" I warned and he nodded and answered "Yes" in a formal tone and left for his practice.

A few weeks later Jiah called me telling me that our father was sick. Sick enough for our mom to have called us thrice this week about how worried she was. They had this one terrible habit of not letting us know about their problems so as not to worry us.

"I'm thinking I'll go and see them, one of us needs to be there and you're busy at it is" Jiah told me her voice laced with worry.

"No, I'll go, you have a restaurant and two babies to take care of, I can shift my schedule around a little bit, don't worry" I assured her and went through my schedule.


"I can do it, it's okay. I've never been there for them, They've always been there for me, you have too. I need to give back to them, let me." I said and convinced Jiah 

"Fine, okay. But call me whenever, I'll be there" she assured making me smile

"I will, I promise" I said and hung up the call. I went on the day in my office and moved around schedules.

The day was pretty peaceful apart from this worry. For lunch I met Dokyeom at a restaurant and told him about the situation.

As I explained the situation to Dokyeom over lunch, his face reflected concern and empathy. He listened attentively, offering a supportive presence.

The tranquillity of the day was disrupted when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and saw my mother's name, a sense of worry bubbling up within me. I answered the call, and her voice trembled as she spoke.

"Hana, your father is not doing well. We're coming to Seoul. He needs to be admitted to the hospital for treatment," she said, her words heavy with concern.

My heart sank, and I quickly assured her that I would be there for them. Ending the call, I turned to Dokyeom, who had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm here for you, I'll help however I can. Do what you need to, take care of them, and we'll make sure your father receives the best care," he said, his comforting words providing a sense of reassurance.

As we waited for my parents to arrive in Seoul, Jiah and I made necessary preparations. I cleaned up my guest room, ensuring it was a comfortable space for my parents. 

When my parents finally arrived, the worry lines on my mother's face were evident. After leaving their bags at my place, my parents, Jiah and I headed to the hospital to get him admitted.

We spent days in and out of hospital, waiting for my dad to get better. Jiah brought YuJin to the hospital once, so she could meet her grandfather. One evening Jiah and YuJin walked in, but to my surprise so did Dokyeom along with them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with surprise as YuJin held his index finger in her hand as she walked beside him.

"I'm here to meet your father, hadn't seen you in a while either so I asked Jiah if I could go along with her today" he said, passing me a smile and then bowing respectfully to my mom who got up to see him.

"Hello, I'm Lee Seokmin, Hana's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you" He said and my mother introduced herself to him as well.

He then moved to my dad and introduced himself to him and my dad passed a smile at him.

Dokyeom handed a bag of books to him "Hana once mentioned you liked reading about history, so I thought I'd get you a book or two so you're not bored here."

My dad, visibly touched by Dokyeom's thoughtful gesture, thanked him sincerely. "I appreciate that, Seokmin. It's kind of you to bring something to distract me from the hospital routine."

After a while, Jiah suggested that I accompany her to get some snacks for everyone. As we left the room, she whispered, "Your boyfriend is a gem, Hana. He's very thoughtful. I can see why you fell for him."

I chuckled, "He does have a way of winning people over."

Returning with snacks, we found Dokyeom engaging in a lively conversation with my parents. YuJin, perched on his lap, seemed to be enjoying the attention. As we all sat together, sharing stories and laughter, the hospital room transformed into a space filled with warmth. 

Thank you for reading 

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