Debates of the unnecessary

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After our breakfast, I got into my own clothes as Dokyeom drove me back to my house.

"Bring some clothes with you next time, so you have no problem in having some extra pairs" He told me as we neared my house.

"Why? I can always wear yours." I said with a mischievous glint in my eyes, looking at him and I saw him chuckle at my response. "You have no problem with me wearing your clothes right?" I asked poking his arm as he got shy making me laugh at his cuteness.

"They're not too big for you?" He asked containing his smile and I shook my head "Oversized clothing is a fashion of its own" I defended.

"You own much better clothes" he said testing if I was giving up. 

"You smell amazing" I answered and he snickered being shy shaking his head out of surprise of my response.

"It's an unfair trade, you get my clothes, what do I get?" he teased and I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What do you want?" I asked, watching him as he made a thinking face.

"5 kisses for every piece of clothing you steal" he said and I made a contemplating face.

"2" I said, bargaining only to annoy him a little.

"That's so mean, I swear" he said in a sulky tone making me giggle.

"3 no more no less" I debated and he gave me a sulky face, making me feel sorry for him for a moment.

"Fine." he said and entered the parking lot of my apartment building. He parked the car in front of the lobby so I could directly get inside the building.

"When will you meet me again?" he asked with a small pout, leaning his head on the headstand of his seat looking at me sweetly.

"I'm busy, this week is scheduled for a lot of meetings" I said turning fully towards him in the seat and looking at him apologetically.

"But you're flying to London next week" he sulked more, this time genuinely making me frown in sadness as well.

"I'll return as soon as possible, I can't miss these schedules." I explained and he nodded. 

"Ugh, I'm going to be so lonely for 2 whole weeks!" he said, closing his eyes.

"You have your members, they'll keep you up" I said optimistically and he shook his head

"They're not you. I want you" he said and I reached out for his hand holding it in mine.

"I'm right here, I'm going only for a week. And you had fun with them before I entered your life" I said trying to cheer him up somehow.

"No~ You have no idea how much joy you bring into my life, I cannot go back to how it was before, I can't" he said and I took off my seat belt and reached across the seat to hug him.

"I understand, honey; but I promise I'll be back before you know it." I whispered softly, holding him close.

He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "Worst part is I can't meet you much this week either, when you're so close already" He said and pulled away from the hug seeing my awkward position while trying to hug him.

"I'll try and meet you when I can this week, but right now I have to go" I said with an apologetic face as I collected my bag from the backseat.

"Okay" he said nodding. Before leaving I held his hand and tugged it for him to lean forward. He looked at me in question and I softly kissed his lips 5 times, spreading a smile across his lips and mine.  

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora