𝟬𝟭𝟮 in a world of boys he's a gentleman

Start from the beginning

Luke smiled at the younger girl, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "But what if we don't give the gods another choice? Tip the scales in our favour?" He asked in a rhetorical manner.

He now had Feyre's undivided attention. The girl furrowed her brows together and took a step closer, appearing to be a lot more intrigued by the prospect of rebellion than previously before. "Fine. I'll humour you for a moment. Go on," Feyre nodded her head, a small and faint smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. A small part of her believed this was a pipe dream, but she was willing to hear her best friend out.

Luke smiled back at the girl for a moment before he parted his lips to speak. "It's quite simple really—"

"Brilliant, too," Chris quickly added, cutting Luke off in the process.

"I think that if we can convince the other head counsellors to back out of the war if it comes down to it, then the gods will be almost powerless without their child forces. They can fight all they want, but with small enough armies, they'll have no choice but to call a truce," Luke explained. He sounded proud of his plan, and sure it would work if they could convince the other cabins to back out of the fight. "If all the cabins can come together and create a united front against the war between the gods, maybe there won't be a war at all."

     Feyre thought about it for a moment, and it was brilliant, just like Chris had previously said. Demigods are powerful beings. They possess power and strength passed down from their godly parents, and it's useful in a war, like the one brewing in Olympus above them. That's why the campers were at odds, because their parents were already recruiting through dreams in the middle of their slumbers. If they all came together and went against their parents wishes, diminishing their power and limiting the numbers in each of their armies, then they would have no choice but to call a truce. Maybe it could even provoke a surrender. If that was the case, then maybe Feyre owed it to her cabin to at least try and show them they don't have to bend to their father's will.

     "Okay, how do we even create a united front?" Feyre questioned further, curiosity lingering on the tip of her tongue as she spoke.

Luke wasn't surprised to hear he was already winning Feyre over with his plan. He knew they both shared a mutual disdain towards the gods for the abandonment by their fathers and being used like a pawns in their games. He knew she would understand better than anyone else. "All we have to do is convince the head counsellor from each cabin to turn against the gods. If we convince them then the rest of their cabin will follow. It's simple, just like I said," He elaborated, cocking his head to the side in the process.

     Feyre pulled a face, slowly catching onto Luke's plan while she nodded her head. "So we divide the cabins between us four and convince the other head counsellors to stay out of the war. I mean, convincing Apollo's cabin, Hermes cabin, and the unclaimed should be easy. It's just the others we have to worry about," She added.

     "Exactly. Feyre, you go back to Apollo's cabin and explain to them that there doesn't need to be a war, and I'll go back to my cabin and do the same. Then we just have to divide the rest individually to speed up the process and even the work load between us four," Luke replied, going back and forth with Feyre as they went over the plan between them. It was like natural chemistry. He would come up with an idea, and should would add to it, and make it even better. Luke had to admit she had that effect on others, especially him.

     Alina glanced over at Chris for a moment, the pair exchanging looks that spoke a thousand words all at once. There was no denying that as the ones closest to their siblings, they knew everything, just like how Feyre and Luke had undeniable chemistry and love for each other. But they were either too stupid to admit it, or just too blind to see it. Now they were both being suffocated by the chemistry swarming the small group. Alina could have sworn she would have started to choke on the summer air if Chris didn't break the silence, the boy parting his lips to speak with a ghost of a smile etched at each corner of his lips.

Devil's Backbone ✶ Luke CastellanWhere stories live. Discover now