10. The Last Petal

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A feeling of confident expectation, a feeling of trust and a feeling of believing something good will happen in one's life. In short, hope is to cherish a desire with anticipation. When one is even in the pit of a downfall, a spark of hope might save them from being lost.

Even when those around us force to accept fate, some people still hang on the last petal of hope. That was the case with Jungkook. He always held onto the thin thread of hope that he would meet Taehyung again in this life.

"Tae, please don't leave me again. I need you. I need you in my life." The idol grabbed the doctor's hand as if his life depends on it. Taehyung looked into the idol's eyes in worry. The eyes that once glistened with galaxies, is now dull and crimson. He pushed the hands from his, calming the patient to steady his heart beat.

"Doc, his pulse rate is still elevating, you need to calm him down as soon as possible." One of the fellow doctor stated. Taehyung cupped the anxious idol's cheeks, moving closer to his face. "Hey, hey, Jungkook, look at me, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here with you, breathe, just follow my breath baby."

Taehyung's eyes teared up, a feeling of roller coaster of emotions rushed through his chest. A sense of relief to be with him now, a sense of happiness to finally see him, a sense of concern seeing his condition. 'What happened to him? How did he end up like this? Why did he lose his aura?' Taehyung's mind filled up with thoughts, a series of questions pointing a finger at him. 'Is he the cause of all this?'

 'Is he the cause of all this?'

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Taehyung had to leave. The day he signed the divorce papers with a heavy heart, he left the apartment, the memories he shared with Jungkook, his passionate job, his best friend Jimin, his favourite patient Hana and her father Yoongi. Without informing anyone, he left the country silently to a small town in France. With the help of a French friend who he shared few classes with while in university, he was able to adapt to the new environment easily.

He got into a small clinic where he practiced his paediatric treatments while he pursed his masters in medicine.

He changed his name to Theodore Kim for easy use for the locals, shut himself from all the social media networks to avoid any news related to his ex-husband, and lived there keeping a low-profile.

The doctor couldn't forgive himself for what he had done to Jungkook. The pile of regrets about not telling the truth to the idol always haunted him. He blamed himself for everything. He blamed himself for hurting everyone. If he had a chance to explain himself to Jungkook, he would have at least been in peace.

Sometimes he yearned to know how Jungkook was doing. He wonders if the idol had married someone who loves him truly, or is dating someone who actually deserves him. Taehyung often ends up calling Dr Jeon but hangs up before the other even picks the call.

As each day passed by, he suffered more without the people he loved most but soon he made himself engaged by working in the ER. He was praised by his fellow doctors for his dedication and commitment towards his patients. Soon he was recommended to a hospital in Paris.

The Last Petal of Love | Taekook |🔞Where stories live. Discover now