3. A Sacrifice Without Love

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One often sacrifices their self desires, interests, even family for their love, but how common is it for one to sacrifice their love for the desires of others? Therefore, altruism is referred to as selflessness and concern for the well-being of others.

Taehyung grew up being emphatic towards those around him. Being a child who lost his mother at a very young age, he had his grandparents and neighbours who meant world to him while he father was away for work. He was a social butterfly, helping whoever he see in struggle. But life was unfair to the 19 year old Taehyung when he came to know about his father's leukaemia.

He always helped and took care of the sick and the poor but he couldn't do anything for his father. He was not even prepared to accept his dying father. Taehyung was a in the first year in Seoul Medical University, when he came to know about his father's condition.

Letting go of his exams, he rushed to Daegu Hospital where he met Dr Jeon for the first time. His father tried to console his crying son. "Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry I won't be able to see you graduate as a doctor someday but I'm so glad you are fulfilling my wishes. I can proudly say that I am the happiest father in the world now. I raised my son well. I'm going to join your mother soon and we will take care of you from above".

Taehyung sobbed even more hearing his father's words. "Appa please, please don't leave me alone. I don't have anyone else. I already lost Eomma, Harabhuji, Halmeoni .....I can't loose you too." His body trembled as he hugged his father crying his eyes out.

"Taehyung-ah, we will always be in your heart. Please listen to me son. I want you to go with Dr Jeon Junghae. He is my best friend and the only man I trust to keep you safe. You should see him as me—your father. He will take care of you and your future. He is your family now."

"Appa, no I'm not going anywhere. There will be some treatment available for this, why didn't you tell me before? I could have seek treatment from any part of the world. I want you to live, please Appa."

"Son, please don't cry. I don't want to close my eyes seeing you cry. Wipe your tears away, and come give a kiss."

Taehyung stopped crying and leaned to kiss his father's forehead, staying still for few moments closing his eyes. "Take care my son, I will always love you." The whisper faded into the thine air as silence filled the room and that day, Taehyung's heart shattered into pieces again.


Taehyung parked his car in the basement. He was absentminded since Yoongi left him speechless. He wanted to drink and wash away his sadness but he couldn't because of the dinner. Ever since his father left him in the hand of Jeon Junghae, that man has only showered him with love. He paid for all the funeral expenses, Taehyung's university expenses, he gave a job in his hospital, he took care of him like his own son and for that Taehyung is and will always be indebted to him, that's the promise he made to his dying father.

Taehyung was too tired to go for the dinner but he knew Jungkook was quite excited about it. He is living with a stranger, his so called husband who kissed him last night but that can't change the feelings Taehyung has for Yoongi.

He got into the apartment welcomed by low lit rooms and silence. He heard one of the bedroom the door open and the sight made his heart skip a beat.

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