"It's our Anniversary today," she says, her voice slightly wavering from tears she refuses to let fall. Her hand comes up to gently pet Jiro's head. "This lighthouse has a lot of sentimental meaning for us. I thought that maybe, if I came here, there might be a chance Jay would show up here too."

Lightning strikes the ocean again in a dizzying array of light and color. Jiro roars in approval, the sound echoing through the storm. Nya feels the power of the storm flowing through her, filling her with strength and determination.

"We're going to be okay," she whispers, more to herself than to anyone else, weakly hugging her upper arms. "We're going to be okay."

Jiro lets out a soft rumble of agreement, his head coming to rest on her shoulder. They stand there together, facing the storm, the water swirling around their feet.

Her eyes sting and her face is wet, yet she convinces herself it is from the rain, not her own tears falling down her cheeks. She can't cry, not now. She has a mission, a duty, a legacy. She has to be strong. For her sake, and for the sake of the future of Ninjago.

"I miss you," she says, her voice barely audible over the wind and rain. "I miss you so much."

The storm rages on, unheeding of her grief. It is a wild, untamed thing, full of fury and passion. It is a reminder of the world they live in, of the power they wield.

"But I'm not alone," she says, her voice growing stronger. "I have my friends, my family, my dragons. I have my memories. And I have my strength."

The lightning strikes again, illuminating the sky in a brilliant flash of white light. Jiro roars, his wings unfurling, and Nya can't help but smile.

"I will never forget you," she vows. "I will never give up. And no matter what happens, I will keep fighting. If you're still out there Jay, we will find you. We won't stop looking, not until we find you."

The storm calms, the wind dying down and the rain slowing to a gentle patter. Jiro croons softly, his wings wrapping around Nya in a protective embrace. She leans into him, letting his warmth and strength envelop her.

"No matter how long it takes," she says, her voice steady and firm, "we will find you. We will bring you home."

And then, the storm is gone, leaving behind only the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

The clouds clear, and the sun breaks through, bathing the lighthouse and the beach in its warm light. The waves sparkle and the air is filled with the scent of the sea. It's a perfect day, the sort of day that only comes once in a lifetime.

Jiro roars again, his joy echoing through the air. Nya laughs, the sound almost lost in the wind. She's soaked to the bone and her clothes are sticking to her skin, but she doesn't care.
Because in this moment, she's never felt more alive.

"Thank you," she says, stroking the side of Jiro's neck. "Thank you for being here with me. You're the best companion anyone could ask for."

Jiro purrs and nuzzles her, his eyes bright with happiness. He's the first dragon she's bonded with, and the bond between them is a strong one.

They're partners, companions, and friends.

"I couldn't have done this without you," she says. "When I'm missing Jay, you're the one who made me realize that I'm not alone. That I have people who care about me, who are willing to fight by my side. You showed me that I can be strong, even when I feel like I'm at my weakest."

Jiro preens, puffing out his chest proudly. Nya laughs again and pats his head.

"We make a pretty good team, don't we?"

Jiro snorts, and Nya can't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just glad you're here with me."
Jiro rumbles contentedly, his head resting on her shoulder.

"Me too," she says. "Me too."

The sun is warm on her skin, and the wind carries the smell of the sea. She closes her eyes and breathes it in, letting the feeling wash over her.

She's not sure where her journey will take her next, or what challenges lie ahead, but she knows that she'll face them with her head held high and her heart filled with determination.

"Come on, let me give you a tour of the lighthouse. I wonder if it changed due to the merge. Well, er- you might not be able to fit inside but you can look through the windows. Jay's paintings might still be there. He got pretty good at painting when I turned into the ocean."

Jiro tilts his head to the side, perplexed.

"Long story," Nya giggles, taking a step toward the lighthouse.

Jiro follows, and the two of them walk side-by-side, their shadows stretching out behind them.

There's a whole world out there, waiting to be explored. There's a legacy to fulfill, a destiny to achieve. And as Nya looks out at the ocean, she knows that whatever the future holds, she's ready for it.

She has her dragons, her friends, and her memories.

And she's not alone.

Never again.

A/N: So tempted to start a new book titled: The Adventures of Nya and Jiro, about them searching the merged realms for Jay as Nya reminisces about Jay to Jiro. Also, so cute that Nya picks the lightning dragon as her mighty steed for the second half of DR season 1.

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