Taming the Storm

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She remembers a time when she had more anger than joy, and less control than she likes to admit.

Her life was filled with an endless string of moments that made her feel like she was slowly going mad.

She never felt like she fit in anywhere, but it was particularly bad when she was a young girl.

She pretended like she didn't hear the whispers, "Oh, those poor Smith siblings, abandoned by their parents. Left without saying a word."

It was not until she was about six years old that she had figured out why she was being abandoned.

And then she wished she hadn't.

Because suddenly, she hated her parents.

She would never know why they had done it, but she resented them all the same.

She didn't understand why they had left her there, where the other children could see and taunt her.

But she did understand how to hit back.

The day she got into a fight with three older boys, she broke her leg. Her brother Kai was not happy, to say the least, but he told her she did a good job for not backing down to the bullies.

Kai was two years older than her, and he was always so nice to her. He was the only one who seemed to understand what she was going through.

He taught her how to punch and how to kick, and how to defend herself against bigger kids.

He even taught her how to build things and blacksmith, and she showed him how to tinker with electronics.

He was the only person in the world who really understood her.


Jay is different.

He has his moments of anger, but he also has his moments of calm. He zig-zags between the positive and negative so fast that sometimes it makes her head spin. She supposes that comes with the territory of being the Master of Lightning.

When she is around him, she feels like she can breathe, and she wonders if he feels the same way.

They don't get the luxury to spend much time together, but when they are together, it is like nothing else matters.

He is smart, funny, kind, and everything that she wishes she could be.

The more time she spends with him, the more she wishes that she could be better.

If she is being honest with herself, she doesn't mind when he is annoyed at the walls that she builds.

She gets to see his face when he smiles, and that is enough to make it all worth it.


A lot of people think that love is supposed to be hard.

That the heartbreak that comes with it is a sign that it is real.

Nya knows that isnt true.

Love is easy.

And that is why it's terrifying.


She remembers the day she met Jay.

It was a day that would change her life forever.

She was tired, hungry, and finally rescued from Lord Garmadon by her brother.

And she was scared out of her mind.

She didn't know if it was from the ordeal of being kidnapped, or from staring into the depths of his impossibly blue eyes, but she felt like she was either going to throw up or float away to the moon.

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