
613 17 47

A/N: This one is long and a roller coaster. Warning: it's post season 4 and kinda toxic-y.

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She's running through the forest, her Samurai X armor clinking with each hurried step, giving away her location.

A figure darts past her, catching up quickly, moving silently despite being fully armored.

Nya skids to a halt, turns and stares hard at the shadowed form of Jay.

"How are we going to catch them? We don't know where they're heading."

Jay looks at her, expressionless, but there is something about the way he moves, the fluidity of his motions, the lack of effort. It sends a chill down her spine.

"They aren't going anywhere until they've reached the end point, wherever that may be." His words are soulless and vague.

Nya tenses, instinctively knowing something is off. "So why haven't they stopped?"

Jay's features soften, almost sad. "Because they can't."

She frowns, trying to understand what he means.

He walks toward her, each step feeling like a drop of water rippling in a lake and making her stomach churn with panic. His palms crackle with lightning.

"Why not?" she asks, backing away from him, not wanting to test her luck with his elemental power right now.

He stops a few feet from her, close enough to reach out and grab her. Close enough to kiss her senseless. But instead, he reaches out and touches her cheek, brushing her hair back with his thumb.

It feels good, warm and comforting, yet painful at the same time.

She closes her eyes tightly, hoping that this moment will pass without incident, but when she opens them again, his face is inches from hers and he is smiling. That smile that makes her insides turn upside-down and twist into knots.

"Your eyes," she whispers hoarsely, unable to tear herself away from those mesmerizing irises, electric blue and shimmering bright. There is something off about his eyes. It's Jay, but it isn't, and her gut is sounding the alarm, but she ignores it.

His fingers trail along her jawline, caressing the sensitive spot below her ear, sending chills throughout her body.

"What about my eyes?"

Tears well up, stinging painfully, and she takes a shuddery breath. "They look different."

His gaze sharpens, becoming intent.

"Different how?"

"Like I'm looking at someone else . . . "

"That doesn't sound good."

There's something sinister behind the fake concern in his voice. Nya can feel her pulse racing through her veins.

"Maybe we need to take you somewhere safe . . ."

He steps closer, looming over her. His face comes dangerously near her own. She can smell the scent of leather and ozone clinging to him, mixed with sweat and dirt. She tries to pull away but he grips her chin firmly, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt," he says softly.

Before she knows what's happening, he leans forward, pressing his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. Their mouths brush gently, tentatively.

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