If It Were Meant To Be

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A/N: AU where Nya is loyal to Lord Garmadon.

She remembers him like a warm dream, something beautiful from long ago that she was never meant to have.

The times are too different for them to make a home together. They cannot even be in the same city, let alone the same realm. The circumstances they left behind were so very different.

But there is one thing that does not change: his eyes follow her whenever she walks into the room.

He wants her still, but he would rather watch than have.

And yet, every time she looks away, she sees him following her retreating back with those electric, penetrating eyes.


His smile makes her want to melt. His frown makes her want to tear things apart.

She decides to leave it at that. She tries to stop thinking about him entirely.

It's easier said than done.


When she meets him again, she has changed. Her heart beats wildly and she feels like a teenager who has just found out what sex is all about.

He seems amused by this.

They fight more often now. He can't resist poking fun at her when she gets flustered, and she finds herself returning the favor. It doesn't seem to make any difference in how he looks at her.

One day, she asks him if he loves her.

He says "yes."

She knows it means nothing.


Sometimes, they end up fighting for no reason.

"You are wasting your life," he tells her one day.

"Why do you care?" she retorts.

"Because I love you."

She turns around and storms off.


There was a time when she thought of him as a soul mate. They were destined to be together, even if their paths didn't always cross.

Now she thinks destiny has abandoned them both.


Her hair is not long enough anymore. She misses his hands running through it.

She hates that she remembers so well.


They see each other more often these days. He still treats her like an unruly child, but there is something new in the way he looks at her.

The next time they fight, he pushes her against a wall and kisses her until she can barely breathe.

It takes all her willpower to pull away from him.


That night, she does not sleep. She imagines what would have happened had she stayed. Would he have run his hands down her body? Would he have pressed himself against her? Would she have melted under his touch?
Would she have let him inside her?

In the end, she throws up, over and over again, until she thinks she's thrown up her heart.


He calls her two weeks later.

"I want you," he says.

She wants to tell him how much she misses him too. Instead, she makes an excuse and hangs up.


His smile is exactly as she remembers it.

Her eyes are wet with tears.


When he finally comes close enough to touch her, she closes her eyes and breathes in his scent. It's been so long since she has felt this safe.

But then he whispers into her ear: "If you think I am going to take your bullshit again, you are sorely mistaken."

She doesn't say anything. She just nods.

And then they start fighting again.


It takes them six years to decide to try again.

By then, she knows that there is only one thing she wants from him.

"You still love me?" she asks.

He does not answer. But when he kisses her, she knows it's true.


There is a night when they lie awake together.

"We were meant to be," he tells her.

She agrees.

"I don't care if destiny brought us together or we made our own fate," she says. "All I know is that I will always love you."

He holds her closer.

They sleep for the first time in each other's arms, and suddenly the world feels brighter than it's ever been.


A/N: So like, those part two Dragons Rising spoilers (see the comments). 👉

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