Twinkling Stars

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It's late, the stars are twinkling like gemstones in the sky, and Nya is belly up on the stone floor of the monastery courtyard, gasping for breath.

Jay is laying down nearby, propped up on his elbows and barely breaking a sweat. She wonders where all his energy comes from, subconsciously knowing it has something to do with his elemental power. He's both a night owl and an early bird. It's just not fair.

"Hey Nya?" he grins, and she swears she can see lightning crackling around that stupidly gorgeous smile of his, "wanna upgrade the forward thrusters on the Bounty?"

She frowns at the thought of more work after an intense sparing session, one that left her breathless and bruised.

"No," she snaps with more venom than intended.

He leans closer so only she can hear him say, "But if we work on upgrades, then maybe..."

His hand reaches for her cheek and brushes lightly against it. Her heart flutters like an excited bird caught in a net. His breath warms the side of her face as she takes hold of his wrist. There is a sparkle there, and she blushes at the thought of what will happen next.

Jay pulls away, smiling even more broadly than before. The wind blows softly around them and their hair dances wildly about. They stand together silently watching the starlight flicker above.

Nya blushes. "We should go inside."

"Yeah," Jay agrees. He holds out his arm for her to take and they walk into the monastery.


"You're sure this is going to work?" Jay asks, looking over at Nya.

She nods vigorously. "I've done calculations, made prototypes, tested different materials, everything! And my results have been consistent. If anything goes wrong, it won't matter because I'll be dead anyway."

"Well...good luck then," Jay says with a small laugh. He turns back to his station, checking the settings one last time.

"This is going to make the ship much faster," Nya explains, gesturing to the array of parts spread out on her table.

She picks up a piece, holding it close to the light coming from behind her desk. It glints, reflecting the workshop spotlights off its surface. "If I were to describe this material in three words, it would be 'durable', 'flexible' and 'strong'." She places the metal fragment down carefully beside the others.

"So, how do we attach these things?" Jay asks.

Nya shrugs. "I haven't decided yet. But once the prototype works, I'll figure it out. Now, let's test this thing!" She claps her hands loudly and taps her foot impatiently.

In response, Jay starts to fiddle with the controls. The thruster fires briefly, sending a burst of white-hot flame shooting straight upwards.

"That didn't work," Nya groans, wiping sweat from her forehead. "Try again."

With a sigh, Jay presses another button, causing the thruster to fire twice as quickly. Flames shoot high into the sky and the sound of burning fuel fills the room.

"Stop!" Nya cries. "Are you trying to burn us alive?!"

"Sorry," Jay replies sheepishly, putting his finger on the switch which cuts power to the thruster.

After a moment, he tries again, and the engine spits flames again. It isn't quite as powerful or sustained this time; instead it bursts forth in short spurts.

"Not bad!" Nya exclaims happily. "Now, try two at once!"

Jay complies. With both engines firing, the ship begins to lift higher.

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