Eighth Morning

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It's an anti-elemental weapon, specifically designed to hurt the Blue Ninja, the Master of Lightning, motor mouth extraordinaire, aka: Jay.

She supposes there should be some sort of explanation for her actions, but nothing comes to mind. No excuse to offer up when she has none to give. She might have tried to convince herself otherwise, but it wasn't true.

Two steps and two thundering hearts beats and she jumps in front of him, taking on the majority of the blast. In that moment she convinces herself that it wouldn't hurt her like it would him. She's not the elemental master of lightning, she could take the hit.

The force of the blow sends them flying. She vaguely remembers clutching him tight, arms wrapped around his neck like a proper hug, something she convinced herself she didn't miss since their awkward breakup. He's saying something, screaming more likely, about, "Why did you do that? You could have gotten killed!"

Maybe she imagines it, or maybe it happens, but she thinks she says something cool like, "But I couldn't let you get killed," before her lips meet his and then they crash ungracefully onto the nearby building. She barely remembers thinking that human bodies shouldn't make that sound when careening through the air and colliding with concrete walls. She's unsure which took more damage; the wall or them.

She sleeps for a long, long time after that stunt.

When she finally wakes up, she senses him beside her. They lie together quietly, neither one speaking. Eventually, she falls asleep with him draped over her, but it's not until she wakes up later that evening that she finally summons the courage to ask him.

"How bad?"

His forehead creases and he rubs his cheek against hers, kissing the top of her head. "A broken arm."

That explains the cast. A dull ache spreads across her shoulder blades as she rolls onto her back. She tries to remember how many days ago he was injured.

"Three? Four?"

He laughs softly, rolling off of her and sitting on the edge of the bed. He pulls open the drawers and finds another pair of pants for himself.

"Five," he confirms.

"So, you're telling me you've spent five days lying here? How are you feeling now? I mean, I'm glad to see you, but—"

"—it hurts, yeah. My ribs took quite the beating too. They'll take a little longer to heal since I couldn't move much during the healing process." His voice sounds strained and hoarse, probably because it is. "My leg will be fine in a couple weeks."

Nya sits up slowly, wincing at the sharp pain that shoots through her right arm. The muscles in her chest tighten painfully at the same time.

Her fingers run along the bandage wrapped tightly around her upper arm where the bone was set properly again. She figures Wu and PIXAL used healing teas and tech to insure the bones were healed, but she knew better than anyone else that that didn't necessarily mean that the pain would disappear overnight. Especially considering the fact that she still felt a twinge of discomfort every now and then whenever she moved.

He glances over at her, his gaze lingering on her forearm for a good minute before he turns back to the clothes he's looking for.

"Are you hungry? Do you want food?"

She shakes her head quickly, embarrassed but also pleased that he is staying near her.

"No thanks, I'm alright. I don't think I'd be able to eat much anyway. Just water for me. Is that okay?"

He nods.

She shifts uncomfortably, fidgeting with her cast. "Well, I guess I won't force myself upon you anymore. If you need anything, just tell me."

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