Seventh Morning

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Sunlight spills through a slit in the blinds and rudely crawls across Nya's face. Her eyes flutter open as she wakes, and finds herself tangled in Jay's sheets. A surge of affection flares in her chest, and she smiles at the memory of how he was pressed against her until he fell asleep, and she wonders if she should wake him up before he misses his chance.

But then his arm twitches, and he stirs, his bare shoulder rippling under her cheek. She looks over him, trying to decide what to do, and she decides to wait. It feels good, just having him next to her.

Her smile falters when she notices something amiss. There's a dark bruise on his opposite shoulder, and it takes her a second to realize where it came from.

She rolls over, taking the pillow from his head, and prods his side gingerly. "Jay?"

His eyes snap open, and he blinks rapidly at her. He looks bleary, confused, and alarmed for a moment, but then he relaxes, stretching his arms up over his head, and his whole face softens into a grin.

"What're you doing here?" he asks softly.

"Pissing off my brother by sleeping in your bed." Nya chuckles, reaching up to stroke the corner of his mouth. "Good morning."

"Mmm," he grumbles, nipping at her knuckles. "Pissing off Kai is my favorite pastime too."

She laughs again, and his arm circles around her waist. "I'll see you later today, yes?"

"Yeah," he says, pulling her closer.

"I really hope so," she tells him, leaning in to kiss his chin. "You know, I haven't gotten to spend any time with you lately. My whole week has been talking to you on the phone."

"Maybe you can talk to me tonight," Jay suggests, and she nods, moving so that she can rest her head on his chest.

He runs his fingers through her hair and presses his lips against the top of her head. "How'd you sleep? You weren't freezing or anything, right?"

"I was fine," she replies, her ear still nestled against his sternum. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"No problem," he murmurs. He wraps his other arm around her waist, and then, after a moment, he pets the base of her skull with one hand. "I like it when you wake up in my bed."

When he goes to move away, Nya reaches out to touch his cheek, her fingertips lingering on his jaw. "Stay," she says quietly. "Just stay for a minute."

His brows furrow. "Why?"

"Because I miss you," she says simply.

Jay sighs, his eyes closing. "I love you," he murmurs, and Nya smiles.

She's not sure if she says it out loud, but she knows she says it in her heart. "I love you too."

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