Chapter 56: The Beginning of the Second Round

Começar do início

"The rules for the second round are simple—any team that reaches the destination within the Forest of Death within the next three days and simultaneously possesses both the 'Heaven' and 'Earth' scrolls will pass this exam."

"There are a total of 21 teams with 61 participants. I will randomly distribute 10 'Heaven' scrolls and 10 'Earth' scrolls to your teams. Additionally, for the ninja participating individually in this Chunin Exam, I will provide them with a 'Heaven' scroll separately."


After distributing all the scrolls, Aburame Toneru subconsciously glanced at Yu, who stood alone in the crowd, then announced, "If there are no further questions, you may all begin!"

"Participating individually in the Chunin Exam?!"

"Hey, hey, did you hear that?!" As soon as Aburame Toneru finished speaking, a commotion erupted among the ninjas below.

"It must be that kid, right? Going in alone with a 'Heaven' scroll..."

"Hahaha! I feel sorry for him; he can't even gather two teammates..."

Several Rain Village ninjas had already begun casting malicious glances at Yu, hatching plans in their minds. The six-year-old kid, participating alone in the Chunin Exam, holding a scroll – in the eyes of these lower-ranked ninjas, Yu had become an easy target.

"A bunch of ignorant extras..."

"Do you really know who's the prey and who's the hunter?"

Feeling the malicious stares around him, Yu disdainfully curled his lips. After taking the 'Heaven' scroll, he promptly rushed into the Forest of Death.

"Quick! Catch up with him!"

"That kid has a 'Heaven' scroll!"

Seeing Yu enter the Forest of Death first, several groups of ninjas outside immediately took action, following behind like sharks catching a whiff of blood.

"Being targeted by so many at once..."

"That kid will be okay, right...?"

Observing all the candidates entering the Forest of Death, the examiner Aburame Toneru, stationed outside, slightly widened his mouth.

As the second stage of the Chunin Exam in Konoha, the Forest of Death was filled with poisonous insects and wild beasts. For an ordinary ninja to survive in such harsh conditions and successfully reach the endpoint was unquestionably a challenging task.

Immediately upon entering the Forest of Death, Yu noticed that several groups of ninjas were quickly catching up behind him. A meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Look! That kid is over there!"

Following Yu into the Forest of Death was a group of three Grass Village ninjas, who were quick to spot Yu standing under a tree ahead.

"Hey, little kid... You can't escape..."

"If you're sensible, I advise you to quickly hand over the Heaven Scroll..."

As the Grass Village ninja spoke, a Genin ninja had already caught up with Yu, blocking his way.

Before he could finish speaking, Yu's right hand swiftly extended, and his five fingers gently swept across in front of the ninja.

"Eh... hiss..."

The unlucky Grass Village Genin ninja widened his eyes, hands tightly covering his neck. Blood gushed uncontrollably from his throat—a highly sharp thread had severed his windpipe.

"Luck seems to be on my side... It's the Earth Scroll, surprisingly."

Amid the shocked gazes of his two companions, Yu retrieved a scroll from the clothes of the fallen Grass Village ninja.

"I didn't expect to gather the Heaven and Earth Scrolls so quickly..."

"Well, in that case, I'll be waiting for you at the endpoint!"

Having smoothly obtained the Earth Scroll from the Grass Village ninja, Yu's smile grew even brighter as he sensed a group of approaching ninjas.


After saying this, Yu paid no attention to the other two Grass Village ninjas rushing towards him.

Instead, he directly stepped on the invisible threads in the air, moving towards the direction of the endpoint tower.

SkyPath—using threads so fine that they are invisible to the naked eye to bind the clouds in the sky, allowing high-speed flight in the air.

Although binding the intangible clouds posed some difficulty for Yu at the moment, binding the trees in the forest and swiftly moving through the air was effortless.

"What... What is he doing?!"

"That kid can actually fly!"

Failing to land a hit, the Grass Village ninja watched in disbelief as Yu walked on air, leaving the scene. The remaining Grass Village ninja was dumbfounded.

"How can he possibly fly!"

"Idiot! It's just an optical illusion!"

His companion gave him a sound thrashing, then quickly rushed towards the direction of the endpoint.

"Hurry up and catch up! We must retrieve the scrolls!"


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