Chapter 22: Love You Goodbye

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Grant's Pov: 

Note: Their graduation is in March.

"Grant I'm home!" I ear Kam call from downstairs, but I'm with our baby that we adopted.

"Grant?" Kam says walking through the door that we're in. 

"Oh, is she asleep?" He asks.

"Yes, I just got done feeding her and she passed out." I laugh.

"Let me just put her down in her crib then I'll be down in a second."

"Ok" Kam replies.

I put our baby in the crib and go downstairs to the living room. I see Kam sitting on the couch waiting for me, he looked so fine. I walk over to him and sit next to him. We lock eyes and begin to kiss passionately. 

I climb on top of him and kiss down his neck. I then get on my knees in front of the couch and begin to unbutton and unzip his pants. I pull his pants down along with his boxers and kiss his length. I then wrap my lips around it and start sucking.

"Grant, oh my God, Grant, Grant."

"Grant, Grant." I wake up to Kam shaking me awake.

"C'mon we have to get ready for Jezebel's funeral." He says. 



We are in the place for her funeral, and I see Avery and Sam. They looked so different. Not physically just different, broken.

"Should we go over there?" I ask Kam who's standing next to me.

"Do you think they'd want to see us right now?" He responds.

"Maybe let's wait." I say.


We come home from the funeral, and I immediately just get into the shower, I need to clear my head. I get under the hot water and just let it run over my body. The cuts don't burn as much now but a few still do. 

While I'm in the shower I hear the bathroom door open. I peak my head out to see who it is and it's Kam.


"Kam what are you doing?" I ask him, my head still peeking out making sure he can't see the rest of my body.

"I'm getting in the shower with you Grant, I said I would be here for you and here I am. I'm not going to let you go through this alone." He says.

"Kam, you don't have to I kind of just want to be alone right now."

"No Grant I'm not going to let you push me away when I know you need someone. I right here Grant for you like I fucking said I would be, it wasn't an empty promise I meant that shit. So please just let me in so you don't have to do this alone."

"Ok." I sigh and step back so he can get in the shower with me.

He steps in and takes one look at me, and I can see his face drop. He just stands there without saying anything. Then I see his eyes fill up with tears, but he still doesn't say anything. His breathing speeds up a bit and he takes a step towards me. 

"D-did I make you do this?" He says looking at all the cuts all over my body.


"Answer me please. Did I make you do this? When did you do it?"

"The night you went to Dominic's house." I say lowly I could barely even hear myself.

"S-so it was because of me."

"Listen Kam this isn't the first time I've done this; I'm fucked up it's not all your fault." I say attempting to reassure him, but it doesn't work. 

Tears now falling down his face he just looks at the ground.

"When was the last time you did something like this?"

"When we were arguing, and you were hanging out with Dominic a bunch."

He looks at me one more time and just gets out of the shower. 

"Kam wait." I say turning off the water and also getting out of the shower to follow him.

I dry off with a towel a little bit and then just wrap it around my waist. I go out into our room to see Kam grabbing all of his clothes out of the drawers and putting them in his suitcase from when he got here. 

"W-what are you doing." I ask him.

"I'm leaving." He answers.

"For how long?"

He turns and looks me directly in the eyes and says, "Forever."

"What do you mean forever, we have graduation in a week."

"I mean forever. I have to leave you Grant if I'm making you resort to things like this, I'm just not good for you. And I'm not going to school next week, or graduation."

"Where are you going to stay until college?"

"I don't know I'll figure it out I just can't watch you fall apart because of me. I don't want you to be another Jezebel." He says to me.

"Kam please don't push me away again I can't do this."

"I'm sorry Grant I just don't want to completely ruin you."

"Then let me love you goodbye."

He looks me in the eye again and I walk closer to him. I hold the back of his head and press my forehead against.

"Give me one more taste of your lips, let me touch your skin, because if this is it then let us at least end it right." I whisper to him. 

I grab his waist and bring him closer to me putting our bodies together. I gently kiss his lips and we stay standing like that for a while. We eventually end up on the bed naked, all over each other. I'm above him with my hands holding me up on both sides of his body. 

I kiss his chest and then line myself up with his hole. I gently put the tip in and receive a light moan from Kam. I push myself further in and begin thrusting in and out of him. This wasn't like any other time we've done this, it was filled with so much love and passion. 

Once we both finish, we lay next to each other, my head on his chest while he plays with my hair. I look up at him and just take in his beauty. His pretty, big, blue eyes, his luscious lips, his blond curls, everything

"I'll always love you, Kam."

"I'll always love you, Grant."


I wake up to see Kam not next to me. I look around my room and don't see a trace of his things anywhere. 

Thats it.

I guess it's over.

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