Chapter 12: The Injury

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Kameron's Pov:

Today is our first game of the season and we're getting on the bus to drive to the school we're playing against. Me and Grant go to sit in the back as usual, but instead of someone sitting across from us there is equipment there. I sit in the window seat and Grant on the isle. Grant starts talking to Sam who's in front of the seat with the equipment in it, once the bus starts driving Grant turns back to me and gives me and gentle smile and sets his hand on my thigh.

"I love you baby." Grant whispers in my ear.

I blush and reply back, "And i'm in love with you." and put my hand on top of his that still rests on my thigh.

We arrive at the school and get out of the bus. We walk in the door and sit on the bleachers to wait for the girls to play their game first. I don't want to but the coach tells me to sit next to Dominic, and Grant sits next to me and next to him is Daniel.

"You okay." Grant asks me quietly, he always notices if i'm uncomfortable.

"Yeah i'll be fine, just hold my hand." I reply knowing what the answer is going to be.

"Kam, you know we can't."

"I know." I say sadly.

Soon the girls come out and the game starts. About a minute into the game Grant slips his hand behind me and rests it on my back under my shirt. He scoots closer to try and hide it so no one notices. I turn to look at him and he just keeps his eyes on the game but is smiling like an idiot.

It's halftime now and me and Grant go to the concession stand to get food and drinks. I get a Mountain Dew and a slice of pizza and Grant gets a Pepsi with popcorn. When we get done with our food coach tells us to go to the locker room to change before the girl's game is over. Me and Grant grab our bags and head to the locker room, we're the first ones in there because we finished our food before everyone else. As soon as I walk in I hear Grant close the door and then immediately pin me against the wall. He starts kissing down my neck and pulls my shirt off to kiss my chest.

"Grant, what if someone comes in here." I say to him but he's just ignoring me.

Then we hear footsteps and talking outside the door getting closer. Grant pulls away and takes his shirt off and puts his jersey on and acts as if nothing happened. The rest of the guys walk in and set all their stuff down and begin changing as well. Once we're all done changing into our uniforms we line up and get ready to run out. The girl's game is over, and the other team runs out before us. Once they're done, we run out and I hear loud cheers coming from the bleachers.

The game begins, and I jump ball. I hit the ball to Grant and he runs up the court for a layup and gets us points already. I'm defending a player and knock the ball out of their hands and take it down the court for a layup, I score and Grant gives me a quick pat on my butt to where no one could see.


We're in the second quarter now and we're on offense. The player that's defending me keeps knocking me around and hitting me. Daniel shoots the ball but misses and I go for the rebound. When I do I get shoved to the ground by my defender, and the ref doesn't call anything.



It's halftime and we go to the locker room. Of course Grant drags me along to get there before everyone else so he can see me alone. We get in there way before everyone else and Grant grabs my face with both hands and pulls me in for a deep kiss. One of his hands moves to the back of my blonde curls and grips them tightly. He pulls back and goes and sits on the bench, just then all the other guys come into the locker room. After our coach is done talking to us I try to get up and go back to the gym but Grant pulls me back down by my shoulder.

"You should come over later, I need you after looking the way you do right now." Grant whispers in my ear and gets up like nothing happened.

We go back out and the game starts again. This half the players on the other team are getting more and more aggressive.

Grant's Pov:

We're playing offense and I see Kam getting pushed around by his defender. I call for a screen and get around my defender for a layup but pass to Kam the last second. Kam goes for a shot but pretty much gets tackled by his defender. Kam hits the ground hard and yells in pain and my heart stops. I run over to him and ask what happened.

"M-my ankle, I-I th-think I s-sprained it!" Kam shouts, his chest heaving up and down as he's in pain.

I lift him up in my arms and carry him over to the seats on the sideline. I set him down gently on a seat. I wanted to kiss him so bad and hold him as close as possible to me to make him feel better.


I'm at home pacing around my room and waiting for a call from Kam or his mom or anyone to let me know how he's doing. I get a notification on my phone and run over to it.

Hey I sprained my ankle
I can't play for the next 1-3 weeks

Omg! How do you feel can i do anything?

I'll be fine.
Thank you I love you

I'm coming over right now

I got in my car and drove quickly to Kam's house. I knocked on the front door frantically and when his brother opened the door I practically ran upstairs to Kam's room. I opened the door and Kam was lying on his bed with a brace on his ankle.

"Aw Kam." I said to him and got into bed with him and held him as close as possible.

"I love you, Grant." Kam says kissing me.

"I love you so much more than you know Kam."

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