Chapter 4: The Arguement

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Today Grant is coming home with me today, I swear that boy is everywhere but his own house. We get off the bus and walk into my house being greeted by my brother. We head upstairs and set all of our stuff down on the floor.

"So what do you want to do? Grant asks as he sits down on my bed.

"I don't know whatever you want."

"Oh I was going to ask you what happened with you and Avery, Jezebel said she was pretty upset today."

"She broke up with me."

"Oh, I'm sorry Kam."

"It's not your fault, I was debating breaking up with her though so i'm not that sad about it." I said but the real reason was that I just didn't like her in that way, because i'm gay.

Grant's Pov:

When he said that I couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement for some reason. I do have feelings for Kam but I just can't treat Jezebel like that, just leave her for him.

"Why were you going to break up with her?" I ask

"I just wasn't feeling like we were doing ok anymore."



Kameron's Pov:

We come back in from outside because we decided to play a game of basketball in my driveway. We walk into my room and we both plop down onto my bed.

"I'll beat you next time." He says.

"Ok sure Grant."

He looks over at me and I look at him, our eyes locked together as we stare into each other. Grant starts leaning closer towards me and I do the same, then before I know it our lips are crashed together. They fit so perfectly together probably more than him and Jezebel's ever did. I get up slowly our lips still together and start to straddle him, he sits up so he's up against the head board of my bed. We make out like that until I swear our lips are purple.

Now we're laying in bed shirtless while my head rests on his chest. We sit in silence but it's not an awkward silence, it's actually very comfortable. I have to say something though, I have to know if he wants me, if he loves me.

"Grant?" I say sitting up.


"Do you love me?"

It's silent for a moment as he stares at me in thought.

"Uhm, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know."

"I mean I don't fucking know Kam ok." he says sitting up as well, I can tell he's getting a little irritated with me but I don't care, I need to know what's going to happen between us.

"Grant you need to fucking make up your mind because i'm getting really fucking tired of you giving me signs and then shooting them down with the whole 'I have a girlfriend' thing."

"Well I do have a girlfriend and i'm not going to leave her for you Kam, I just can't I love her."

"Well then what the fuck was this then, we just fucking made out with each other until we couldn't fucking feel our lips and now your telling me you love her!" I say my voice raising a little.

"If you really fucking loved her you wouldn't have fucking done that shit with me!" I yell.

"Shut the fuck up Kam, you don't fucking understand."

"What is there not to understand Grant, you have a fucking girlfriend but then you come to my house and make out with me!"

"I don't fucking know anymore Kam, your being a fucking bitch."

"A bitch, what the fuck you mean i'm being a bitch? You're the one acting like a fucking hoe with me and Jezebel."

"Holy fucking shit Kam, I do love you I just also love her."

"Well you can't fucking have both of us so make up your God damn mind."

"Seriously Kam, are you actually gonna make me chose between you and Jezebel?"

"No, all i'm saying is that we can just go back to being just friends with absolutely nothing going on between us, or you break up with Jezebel and have me. Because i'm not doing this while you're in a fucking relationship Grant, i'm not fucking doing it, I can't."

He takes a deep breath and walks closer towards me, he grabs my face and looks me in the eye.

"Can I kiss you one last time?" he says with his voice cracking a little. I feel terrible for making him choose but I can't do that to Jezebel.

"Yes."I say so quietly i'm surprised he heard me.

Our lips crash together one last time, I pull away and I can see a couple tears in his eyes.

I'm a terrible person.

"I think I should go." He says but I really don't want him to leave me.

"No, Grant stay please."

"I'm sorry Kameron I just don't think I can be here right now." He says the tears falling down his tinged red cheeks.

"I'm sorry Grant just please stay for tonight, please."

"I'm sorry Kameron."

I watch him grab all of his stuff and walk out of my door, once the door closes i'm a sobbing mess, I can't believe he just walked away like that. I don't know if we're ever going to talk again for all I know and that really scares me.

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