Chapter 7: Broken

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Kameron's Pov:

It's the next day and I have to get up and get ready for school but I just can't bring myself to get up, have to see him today, sit with him in class, I just don't think I can do it. I eventually get up and get ready. Once I make sure everything is in my backpack I go wait outside for the bus.


I'm walking to class and i'm kind of worried, I haven't seen Grant yet, he's usually one of the first people to get to school in the morning. I walk into the building and say hi to Sam, Jezebel and Avery's brother.

"Hey do you know where Grant is?" I ask him figuring he might know.

"No I thought you would know, I was going to ask you if he was doing better."

"What do you mean." I ask wondering what he meant by that.

"Did he not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He showed up at our house a mess, he was crying and shit, then he told me he needed to talk to Jezebel, then he broke up with her and left still crying."

He broke up with her?

"No I had no idea about this."

"Well I got to get to class but you might want to talk to him." he says before he starts walking to his class.


I'm in second period when Grant walks through the door, he has his hood over his head, the hair I could see was messy, and his eyes were puffy, and his nose was red like he had just been sobbing right before he walked through that door. He sits beside me and doesn't even acknowledge that i'm there. Right as I look away I see him glance at me in the corner of my eye and he sniffles again.

When the class is over it's break time, I catch up with Dominic in the hallway and we grab a basketball like usual. Once we get out there and start playing I notice Grant. He's sitting on the ground in the corner by himself.

Grant's Pov:

I'm sitting alone today because I don't have the energy to play basketball today, or do anything at that. I was crying all night last night, I broke up with Jezebel but that wasn't the reason I was crying, then I did something, something bad, something I never thought I would resort to, that was the reason I was wearing a hoodie in 80 degree weather...

Kameron's Pov:

"I think I should go and talk to him." I say to Dominic, nodding my head in the direction of Grant.

"Kam please don't, the only thing that's going to happen is one of you is going to end up crying, it won't end good and you know it."

He was right.

Or was he?

"Ok." I say sadly and continue to play with Dominic.


Grant's Pov:

It's lunch now and I'm in the line to get my lunch. As I'm about to grab my food and put it on my tray I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around hoping it's not the person I think it is.

"Can I talk to you?" he asks but all I can do is nod my head.

"Ok." he says quietly.

I get my lunch and go and sit down by Kam. Once I sit down I see a look a guilt in his eyes.

"Uhm...w-what did you need?" I ask nervously kind of scared for the answer.

"I just wanted to make sure your ok. You look like really fucked up. I'm sorry." He said to me, but honestly I don't even think I know the answer.

Am I ok?

"I'm fine I guess." I say sternly not meaning to come across that way.

Kameron's Pov:

"I'm fine I guess." He says sternly.

I remembered what Sam had told me, he broke up with her, Jezebel, for me?

"Uh...Sam told me... you know about you and Jezebel."

"Oh." I see a singular tear run down his face.

What have I done.
I broke him.
I broke the boy I love for someone I don't.
What have I done.

"Come over to my house this afternoon if you know... if you want to, but I just need to talk to you, not here." I say looking around at all the people sitting and eating their lunch.

"O-ok." Grant stutters.

I get up and walk over to Dominic and sit with him.


Kameron's Pov:

I'm sitting in my room and waiting for when Grant gets here, if he does. Just then I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. My parents and brother aren't home, their out of town seeing my grandparents. I hesitate to get up and walk downstairs to open the door. The doorbell rings once more and I finally get up and go to open the door. When I get to the door I take a deep breath before I open it...

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