Chapter 2: The Girlfriends

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It's the weekend now and I get a call from Avery,

"Hi Kam can I come over to your house today, you can invite Grant and I'll bring Jezebel.",

it's been a few days since Grant and I have hung out at my house since the little incident where we almost kissed, so it'll be awkward.

"Uhm yeah sure I'll text him.", I tell her, but I didn't want to, but still deep-down part of me is excited to see him, his perfect hair, his eyes, and his smile.

Hey, I was wondering if you
wanted to come over today,
Jezebel and Avery are coming too.

Grant🧡: Yeah, omw.

   Avery and Jezebel arrive, and we head up to my room, about 10 minutes later Grant arrives too.

"Hi Grant!" Jezebel says and runs up and hugs him.

I can't help but get jealous of them, how I wanted to be her so bad, to be able to hug him and have the smell of his cologne on me.

"So, what did you guys want to do?" Grant says looking directly at me.

"We could go to the mall." Avery suggests.

"Yeah, I'm good with that." I say.

We go downstairs and ask my mom if she could drive us to the mall, she says yes and she drops us off there. We walk in and the girls want to go into Bath & Body Works. Me and Grant find a place to sit outside of the store.

"How long do you think they're going to be in there?" Grant laughs.

I laugh "I don't know" I say while laughing.

I'm so relieved that it's not awkward between me and Grant, I love this boy so much, but I know that me and him could never be together, as much as I want it to happen, we could never ever be a couple.

The girls come out of the store, and we start walking around the mall and going into different stores.

"Oh my god! We should go do the photobooth!" Avery exclaims.

"Oh my god, yes yes yes! Please, can we?" Jezebel adds.

"Ugh I guess." Grant says jokingly reluctant.

We go into the photobooth, Avery goes first, then me, Grant, and lastly Jezebel. We start posing for the pictures and then get out to collect our photo strips. Me and Grant go to collect ours at the same time and our hands accidentally touch,

"Oh, uhm so-sorry."

I say nervously trying to hide the fact that I just got butterflies from the fact that Grant's hand touched mine.

"No, you're good."

He says and then stares into my eyes a little longer before looking away to go hold hands with Jezebel, oh how I wish to be her, to be able to hold his perfect hand without asking or worrying about people judging us and outing myself. Avery comes over to me and grabs my hand to hold it and we start walking to the next store, holding her hand makes me want to hold Grant's hand more, her hand will never be like his.

We all finish up shopping and I call my mom to come pick us up and take us home. She arrives and we all pile into the car, she takes Jezebel and Avery to their house and takes me and Grant to my house because he decided to stay the night at my house tonight.

My mom pulls into our driveway and Grant, and I walk in and walk upstairs to my room, and we plop all of our stuff that we bought onto the floor and get onto my bed, we both go on our phones. His hand was laying right next to mine, and I felt the urge to lay mine on top of his, the intrusive thoughts took over this time and I grabbed his hand. He jerked his hand away and got up quickly,

"Uhm mind if I use your shower?" he says nervously.

"Uh sure." I say.

He swiftly walked into the bathroom and started the shower, I felt so bad about what I just did, we both have girlfriends, and I don't even know if he likes me that way or if he's even gay.

He gets out of the bathroom in only his boxers and got some of his clothes, that he has left at my house out and puts them on. He goes and sits in the beanbag chair that I have in the corner of my room, I wanted to apologize about what happened, but I couldn't it would just make it so much more awkward.

It's getting pretty late, and he comes over to my bed, we haven't said anything to each other since I grabbed his hand, he climbs into bed and plugs up his phone and sets it on the nightstand.

"Hey, don't worry about earlier I was just shocked, but I can't do this because I'm with Jezebel and you're with Avery." Grant says out of nowhere.

"Ok, thank you for not making it a big deal, I'm sorry by the way too."

"It's fine, goodnight."

"Goodnight Grant."

As I'm drifting off to sleep, I can feel Grant inching closer to me, but I know it's not on purpose because I can hear him lightly snoring. Eventually he has moved so close to me then...

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