After a minute or two, we made it to the tea shop, and people were going in and out. "Lloyd lied, he said the place was still closed" Master Wu said in disbelief. "It must be the tea he has been drinking,...every morning or afternoon he's at least drinking one cup of tea...and it's affecting him some way, so today we end that problem" I said as I got down and went towards the small shop.

"Hello sir, what would you like to or-" I smacked the servant before she could finish her stupid sentence and then Jay and Cole were evacuating citizens while the rest of us went to have a little chit chat with the owner and his people.

"What are you guys doing to Lloyd?" I asked as my hands gripped the collar of the owner and pulled him into the air. "Kai calm down" Master Wu said to me as I lowered the owner but not letting go of him.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about?" I knew he was lying, there was a small smirk on his face.. I know.. I just know it, and I saw it for at least a second.

"The tea you guys gave him.. it's doing something to him, and you guys know why!" I shouted to him and he just smirked "kai..." Nya said as she gripped my shoulder....

"LET ME PUNCH THAT BITCH!" Nya said as she punched the owner before I did.

"Kai and Nya, back here now..I'll take care of this" Master Wu said to us and we backed off from the owner. Master who took out his staff and asked the owner a question, "what is the.. magenta leaf tea made of?" And the guy chuckled and didn't answer his question.

"Answer his questions sir" Zane said as he got near the owner, I was about to follow when Nya held me back *sigh*.

"No, you have no right to call me sir when you're fucking insulting me" The old man said as Zane politely asked, "then what's your name.. sir?"

"Darny..." Darny said and I had enough of Darnys attitude at this point.

"Well, we only have one choice left, torture!" Zane said as he smiled, he's bluffing...I know it, not in a million years will Zane torture someone for some info, but I'm not gonna lie.. I wish this moron gets it.

As I look at Darny...he frozed up and stared at Zane and took out his hands to protect himself, like that's gonna work. "If you tell us now, then you don't have to indure the pain" Zane stated as he stared at Darny, directly at his eyes. It's a tactic Zane uses all the time when he interrogates criminals.

"I-ill tell y-you everything" Darny stuttered as he backed away from Zane, scared of what he might do.

"Thank you Darny, now what's in Lloyds tea, and what is it doing to him?" Zane asked and I tried to pay attention to Darnys response, "it has crushed petals and powder that is supposed to strengthen an onis strength and mentality....and...." Darny said and I immediately turned mad, he's just powering Lloyd's oni side and unbalancing his oni and dragon sides.

"What is it?" Master Wu asked as he pointed his staff at Darny. "The overlord gave it to us, and we are his best warriors, and he sent us to open this place up, hoping that Lloyd will come here" Darny said as his true form showed but then his veins started to glow and then....HE EXPLODED?!

"What happwned..?" Nya asked as she looked around the place but we couldn't find the oni. "We should go check on the other onis then" Master Wu said but then Cole and Jay ran in. " e-ex-" Jay stuttered dramatically but then Cole cutted him off.

"They exploded!" Cole screamed as he pushed Jay to the side, it was kind of funny... But this is still a serious situation. "Same with the owner, apparently they are all onis, and the tea is affecting Lloyd" Master Wu said as we left the store and Zane reported the incident to the police, so now the shop is off limits.

"So, what do we do about lloyd?" I asked as we finally made it to the monastery. "I'm not sure, I have to conduct a ritual to see how stable he is" master was stated and I'm pretty sure we all froze to his words. "Ritual?" Zane asked as Master Wu nodded. Master Wu then left and got everything set up as a few of us went to help.

Lloyd Point Of View

2 hours have already passed by and I was still in bed, wondering about everything that happened a few hours ago. I then heard the door open from downstairs, "home already...?" I murmured to myself, as I got up and put my hoodie on, I'm glad I bought this hoodie, it's very comfortable and relaxing.

"Lloyd, come downstairs please" Uncle said, I started to feel anxious and paranoid again, I just hope this situation doesn't escalate to something much worse. "..c-coming", I murmured as I responded back.

As I went downstairs, I could feel my heart speeding up rapidly, but when I finally got there...I felt... emotionless, I was of course a bit worried but I pushed it aside for a problem for later. I sat down and stared at Master Wu, "Lloyd, we went to the shop and found some... unsettling news, that you may not like to hear" Kai said, I thought of the worse case scenario but it stilled stayed unfazed to me.

"Alright", I said as I stared at my lap, still listening to them and their every word.


Hello y'all, ITS ME, AUTHOR, I hope you guys like this chapter, took all day, today my schedule was so full. Bye, hope you like it.

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