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ELEVEN | NSFW WARNINGintoxicating kisses

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intoxicating kisses


𝕷𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐑, alcohol, sake, champagne, beer, and something to drink down your throat and to wash down your stress is what you're doing right now.

chugging on little cups of the expensive alcohol that sae was given by one of his football teammates as congratulatory of his wedding. which means, it is also yours to consume.

you don't know what time it is now. it's 3:23am, you think. or was it the time when you last checked? you don't know. you're too focused on the kang siblings to even check the clock hanging on the wall. too focused on how to put a stop to them and how to not get sae worried, even though those were his old friends.

your mind is extremely foggy with the amount of thoughts that crashed into each other, eventually making you rest your head on the kitchen counter where your little drinking session is being held at the moment.

when was the last time you ever drank so much in one sitting? you remembered sae giving you a 30minute lecture on why you should stop consuming alcohol like it was your every day water. all you ever did was drink little sips if you could get a chance to.

you let out a little smile at that memory of sae lecturing you with anger. seeing his pissed off face was like your personal auburnhead netflix featuring sae as the functions, shows, movies, episodes, subtitles, profiles, vice versa.

so why did his old memory fragments have to return and take his attention of you? it felt like you have lost your personal auburnhead netflix.

"stop drinking," a deep and silky and smooth voice worth obsessing over said as your cup is taken away. you looked at the person whom the voice belongs to and immediately felt heat rising to your cheeks. you quickly averted your gaze away from itoshi sae.

"why are you shy all of a sudden?" sae questioned.

you took the bottle of alcohol and drank it. then you stood up, grabbing sae's face before smashing your lips onto his.

it was so sudden, that the itoshi complied with your actions before his eyes widened and he felt the flavour of alcohol spreading in his mouth. no choice but to only swallow, his hands move to hold your shoulders as you pulled away and let go of his cheek.

what just happened?

there's alcohol that spilled out from sae's mouth. you wasted no time to go close to his face again but this time, you kissed the corners of his mouth while licking up the alcohol.

that act alone turned itoshi sae on.

it's his turn now. he moved his mouth to kiss you hardly on your lips, catching you by surprise as you kissed back, placing the alcohol bottle behind you before your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him close to you. you ran your fingers in his light auburn hair, feeling its softness around your fingers.

𝐇𝐈𝐌. i. sae ✓Where stories live. Discover now