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NINElast man standing

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last man standing


𝕺𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 the underground fighting ring, your other friends are gathered there waiting for you. you rushed to them and all of you quickly headed into the venue.

upon your arrival, people started cheering and clapping as if you were the brawler in the ring. you have never felt such an atmosphere in the crowd before. it felt like there was something to lose today.

you just couldn't get the grasp of it.

"let us welcome our special guests; shidou ryusei, wang yue an, isabel sanchez, and l/n y/n!" a familiar voice said through the microphone as you clenched your fist and looked around to see a familiar blond waving at you and your friends from below.

"tch," you clicked your tongue and found a certain ravenhead that you rushed here for.

"nah uh miss l/n and friends! you cannot storm in an official match like that. here, we've prepared seats for you friends!" andrea pointed to the seat that was supposed to be for you and your friends.

you knew the protocol in this underground fighting arena. and you follow by it, even if you're not someone with big name in here. so your friends has no choice but to follow andrea for now.

shidou made sure to be the first one that walks, just in case someone dares to pull a trick.

during the whole time you walked to your seat, your e/c eyes couldn't break themselves from the ravenhead below, his own eyes avoiding yours.

what exactly is going on?

"alright. since everyone is seated comfortably, shall we introduce the fighters of the day?" andrea announced and the crowd goes chaos.

"on this end, we have my brother, andrei kang!!"

an excited crowd cheers.

"and on the other end, we have.... itoshi rin!!"

you covered your mouth at the name that was just mentioned. you didn't even know why rin is standing on at the other end of the ring, but you knew he had no choice. you could easily tell by how defeated rin looks.

"now, before we began. we have a rule. only one rule in this ring for this special match. the last man standing... wins!"

you looked at your friend's beside you and they expressed the same thing as you what you're currently feeling.

just pure anger at whatever is occuring right now. you weren't sure about shidou for he has some kind of beef with rin, but you knew he was betting on rin to win.

there was once where he physically fought rin over sae, and rin's raw strength is praiseworthy— even though shidou won.

the match started while you and your friends were communicating telepathically on what to do to snatch rin out of that hellish ring for you have seen what andrei kang can do.

fast forward into the match, it got more brutal as each time passes by.

itoshi rin is not an experience fighter. at least, not in the brawling sense. he has extreme strength as a professional football player, but not the prowess of an underground combat fighter.

so a few minutes into the match now, and all was happening was an unconscious rin on the ground, blood splattered all over the floor, andrei throwing meaningless punches at him, and the crowd remaining as chaos as ever, a few gasping at the scene beholded.

the sharp blades of knives were in front of you and your friend's throats to keep you seated, as commanded by andrea who enjoys every single moment of torture.

soon, the crowd erupted into the name of andrei all over again. if your blood hadn't been boiled until it's cooked, the sight of rin might have just cooked your blood until it is dry and over-fried.

in less than ten minutes, andrei kang has beaten itoshi rin into a pulp. now he laid in the ring with his own blood covering him like a broken and forgotten ragdoll with dust all over it.

the elder kang came out of the ring and walked towards your direction, a big satisfied smirk on his face which you clearly want to slice off so badly in that moment.

with his hands and fingers full of rin's blood, he grabbed your hand and took it up where it laying on your thighs. with the knife still at your throat, you couldn't move, you do not dare to move. for one single muscle moving would result in the blade digging into your skin.

andrea let out a giggle as her brother moved your hand turned your hand and placed a seductive kiss on it, his eyes burning into your soul. you immediately shut your own eyes, biting your own tongue to avoid doing anything stupid.

"your thighs are bleeding, pretty little thing. shall i clean them up for you? or shall i simply kiss your wounds to make the pain go away?" he said, eyeing your bleeding thighs which your fingers dug into when your hands laid on your thighs.

"you leave y/n alone, russian-korean bastard. go back to your country. doesn't matter which one cuz you'll still be an asshole in both countries, fucker," shidou moves a hand in front of your face and spat at andrei, ignoring if the blade cut the side of his or anything. shidou couldn't afford to care, he won't allow a man to touch you at all costs, except for sae.

andrea's little mocking laugh broke the tension and she snapped her fingers, the blades at your throats immediately lifting. the male kang clicked his tongue and stepped back to where his sister is and took a towel from her to wipe rin's blood off of him.

"here's a lesson for you, y/n," andrea leans down to your height and stops beside your ear. "you may think that you're a troublemaker, but i'm the real devil here."

and your thread snapped lose.

and your thread snapped lose

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