Wait, I know Aan since I was a kid? Why don't I remember anything? He saw the confusion on my face and said, "Let me complete telling everything, and then you can ask your questions, okay?" I nodded, letting him continue.

"Your father used to work for Surya Dhada at that time. Initially, he worked for another company, but after that I don't know why he stopped working there, he shifted to Surya Dhada's company which I recommended. Surya was a close friend of mine since my collage days."

"On your 7th birthday, your father wanted to throw a big party for you. So we did it here in this house itself, since it was big comparatively. You were playing with Vihaan, and when it was time to cut the birthday cake, you went searching for your father."

"After a while, a gunshot sound was heard from an upstairs room. We all rushed to see what happened, we found Vihaan holding a gun with you hiding behind him, and your father was hit by a bullet, lying on the floor."

"No one knew what had happened. Immediately, you passed out. While trying to catch you, Vihaan got hit on his head. Both of you were taken to the hospital. Surya took care of your father's body, and your mother was in shock."

"When you and Vihaan woke up, you both didn't remember anything that happened. The doctor said that the trauma was so severe that you pushed the memory to the back of your mind and locked it away. Vihaan, due to the head injury, suffered from memory loss and couldn't recall anything from his first 8 years of life."

"So we took a decision to separate you both temporarily, fearing that seeing Vihaan might trigger your memories. Later, your mother passed away, and your uncle took custody of you both. So I hid this information from you to avoid adding more to your plate."

My head was spinning with this new information. Why did Aan kill my dad? What happened that day? My head hurt thinking about it.

I asked Dhadha "What exactly happened that day," he said "Only you can tell us what exactly happened that day princess. No one blamed Vihaan because we knew he was never that kind of kid. He was obedient, kind, and caring."

Rishi said out of nowhere "I believed in Jijju Dii, but I need to know what happened that day."

Dhadi spoke for the first time since I came there, "Princess, you need rest. I will give you the photo album of that day so that you can remember something, but for now, please don't think more, okay?"

I nodded, and Rishi took the album. I informed them that Vaish is coming back, so I need to go back. They were worried, but they understood that I needed some alone time to process all these. Rishi drove us back to the penthouse.

I went to my room and locked the door, falling on the bed, crying. I felt like crying a lot. I wanted only one person right now—Aan, my Aan.

I believed him, no matter what. But he had killed my father. I should be angry, I should hate him, but no—I can't. My heart is not accepting the fact. Somewhere deep down, I know he didn't do this intentionally. There must be a reason. I understand that Aan might be feeling so guilty right now; he cannot take this well. What the hell should I do? I tried calling him, but there is no response.

I heard someone banging on my door, and I went to see Vaish. I sighed with relief when she hugged me with full force. I hugged her back, sniffing, and she patted my hair, saying, "Shh, babe, everything will be fine. I am right here. We will figure this out."

I nodded, saying, "Vaish, Vihaa-" She cut me off, saying, "I know everything. Rishi told me what happened. You please relax first, and then we will talk about this, okay?" I nodded, sitting in the living room. She prepared dinner for both me and Rishi.

After dinner, all three of us sat on the balcony to talk. When I looked down, I saw Aan sitting there, his car parked nearby. He looked up, noticed me looking at him, and immediately hid from view. I knew he couldn't stay away, but I also understood he wouldn't talk to me until I remembered exactly what happened that day.

I sighed and sat down. Vaish asked, "So, do you remember anything, babe?" I shook my head, saying, "My head hurts a lot, Vaish. I'm really trying hard to remember."

Rishi asked, "Do you believe him, Dii?" I nodded, saying, "With all my life, kiddo. Even if the whole world is against him, I will always trust him. And even if he really killed our father, I bet there will be a good reason. Good or bad, he is my Aan, and he will always put my needs first. So if he did something that will hurt me, then he knew something I don't."

Vaish hugged me, saying, "You are really too good to him, babe. I hope he figures it out and talks to you soon so that all of this will be over." I smiled at her, saying, "Can you stay here and take care of Rishi? I will get some sleep and try to remember something." Both of them nodded, and I went back to my room.

I went to the balcony of my room and looked down to see Aan looking at my room. My heart broke seeing him standing there with tears in his eyes. I could see his crumpled shirt and his hair messed up as if he had rubbed it a lot of times.

I waved at him, but when he saw me, he sat in the car and drove off. I sighed, sitting on my bed, trying to recall. I looked at the album that my grandmother gave me. I saw the first photo where I was laughing a lot, looking at Aan, while he was doing some funny action for me. My heart ached seeing that. There were a lot of good memories with him, I guess.

I wanted to recall all of them—every memory that included Aan. It might be bad or good, but it also includes my Aan.

The way saanvi loves vihaan....🤌❤️

My heart cant handle anymore, please get them together soon, I cant stand seeing them seperate from each other, they are born for each other.
Author why are you doing this to us???

I know you're reactions right now: And Who told you to separated them then!?
I know its me!! But sorry couldn't help, But I promise they will get back together soon!!

Just some more chapters>>> Stay tuned

please do vote and comment, I will try my best to reply back to every single comment!

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