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"No fucking way! With a celebrity? Does anyone know?" Mateo exclaims, with his hand covering his mouth.

"Fuck no," I say with my eyebrows scrunched. "I'd get fired for having sexual relations with someone I'm working for."

"Damn." Mateo leans back on the couch. "So, was it only a one time thing then?"

"I don't know, but I definitely don't want it to be the last time."

"You're fucking crazy," he says while laughing. "You been at this job for a while now, you really want to risk it all for her?"

"She's worth it, but you make a good point," I say with a sigh.

Mateo and I met in middle school. We both grew up without having moms, so we shared some common ground. He made fun of me for having fake J's, and we've been friends ever since. Mateo can be an ass, but he's fun when you get to know him.

"Maybe I should become a bodyguard." Mateo says seriously, which makes me laugh. "Anyways, me and the others are going out for drinks on Friday if you want to come."

"Sure, I don't think I'm working that night," I confirm.

After another hour or so, Mateo leaves, and I'm left with my own thoughts.

I can't stop thinking about Billie and those plump lips... but Mateo is right. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got fired. I was surpised by her jealousy, but she looked hot, so I'm not complaining.

Yesterday, I talked to Mia in person; she's still upset, but I think deep down she knows I never committed to a relationship. Mia never really showed interest in me to that extent either. I just don't see her like that; it was just a hook up. But it feels different with Billie. She feels so much more than just a random hook up. Ever since I met her in that bathroom, I've been drawn to her. It's new, and I want to explore that feeling.


It's 10:00 p.m., and I'm on my way to Billie's house. Yes, it's late, but I'm working a night shift. I never liked night shifts; they're miserably boring. Usually, I have to slap myself just to stay awake.

But I don't mind taking one for Billie. Actually, I'm stoked to see her house; haven't seen it yet. Unfortunately, I probably wont be seeing Billie because it's quite late.

I park my car, go to the gate, and show my ID.

Holy shit. This is probably the biggest house I've ever been to. I wouldn't mind owning one of can only dream.

I'll be circling around the whole house a long with Nick for the whole night. Super fun, but at least I can admire the house from all angles. Hell, by the end of the night, I could probably draw a blueprint of it.

I briefly talk to Nick, then make my way to the back of the house.

A pool too? Jeez. Before I can get too deep into my thoughts, a dog comes running at me out of nowhere.

"Shark!" I hear a familiar voice.

"Hi cutie." I rub the Pitt bull's ear. "His name is Shark?"

"Yeah, he has a very severe overbite, so we named him Shark," she says.

"That's adorable," I cheese while looking at his teeth.

I straighten back up to Billie staring at me intently. She's wearing simple sweats with a sweater. Her hair is a little messy, probably from chasing after shark. She looks cute, but I'm not surprised.

After a couple seconds, Billie breaks our staring contest with,"I'm sorry about the other day. I hope I didn't ruin anything between you and your..."

"Friend," I confirm. "Nothing was ruined. But I do think jealously looks good on you."

What I need | Billie Eilish Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat