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"I'm more mad at the fact that she lied to me," I say, throwing another punch at the punching bag.

"Or you're just jealous," Mateo says with a chuckle while standing behind the bag.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead. "That too."

"Ok, but aren't you two hooking up?" He asks.

"Couple times, but we haven't had sex."

Mateo takes a sip of his water. "Well, then she's probably not happy with that other dude."

"Or she's just using me for a quick fuck." I reply.

"Sounds like you."

"Shut up."


I finish my workout and start driving back to my apartment. In the corner of my eye, I see my phone screen light up. I glance at my screen to see it's a message from Billie's team. Before I can read it, I start getting more messages from friends, people I work with, and mentions.

What the hell is happening?

I click on one message that leads me to an article with the title "Billie Eilish seen kissing potential new girlfriend" and a picture of me and Billie.

My heart drops to my ass, and I pull over to read further. It's from yesterday, when we went out to get coffee, but we didn't even kiss, the angle just makes it look like we did. I bet the sound of the camera is what interrupted us.

Shit, I could get fired if I don't explain myself. Billie could get into serious trouble for 'safety risk' and for 'ruining her public image.'

I read Billie's team's message, they want a meeting with the both of us at a nearby office building. It's scheduled for 5 p.m., and it's 3:30 p.m. I have some time to get ready.

I run my fingers through my hair, "Fuck."

I want to text Billie, but I don't want anyone to see our text for proof. I wonder what she's thinking—is she going to lie, or tell the truth?

I take a long sigh. I just have to keep my composure. We haven't done anything; I work for her that's it. Once I convince Billie's team, I have to do the same for my job; I just need Billie to play a long.

I pull back onto the road and drive to get ready for the meeting.


I'm 15 minutes early to be safe and because I'm slightly nervous. They have nothing that could prove anything between me and Billie, but you never know.

If I'm caught lying, that'll make this situation even worse. I won't be trusted, and I'd get fired from my job, which cant happen. It also means I probably won't see Billie again, but I'm addicted to her like a drug and refuse to give her up.

I get out my car to walk into the large office building. I check in and get in the elevator. As the elevator closes, I hear a familiar voice say, "Hold it!"

I hold the elevator door open for Billie, even though I'd like to shut it in her face. However, it's good that I can talk to her in private now.

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