Walking into the building, Esme greeted the receptionist with a smile before making her way towards Carlisle's office, Silas's eyes wide with curiosity as they navigated the bright white hallways.
"Where's Daddy?" Silas whispered, feeling a bit shy at all the looks that they were getting, Esme seeing this picked him up and allowed him to hide in her neck.

"He's just down here. We'll see him in a few seconds," Esme reassured him, her eyes fixed on Carlisle's office door, Silas following her gaze peaking out of her shoulder.

Knocking lightly, Esme opened the door and poked her head inside. "Busy?" she asked, knowing her husband well.
"Of course not," Carlisle replied with a smile, and Silas couldn't contain his excitement any longer as he heard his voice, squirming in his mama's arms
"I've heard that you've been missing me," Carlisle said, walking over to them. Silas practically lunged into his father's arms, cuddling into his neck.

"Yeah, miss you," Silas mumbled, his voice muffled against Carlisle's shoulder, as Esme passed Silas' small body over.

"I've missed you too, and I've got some good news for you," Carlisle said, his voice warm with affection as he bounced Silas.
"Good news?" Silas asked, his curiosity piqued as he looked up.

"Yep, I'm going to be spending all week with you," Carlisle announced, and Silas's eyes lit up with excitement. Carlisle had managed to switch over to the night shift this allowing Silas to get used to living with them more and become more comfortable, Carlisle sorting this out after speaking to his manager after his call with Esme.
"All week? With me?" Silas exclaimed. His body practically bubbling, all week with daddy, now Silas was happy, happier than happy.
"All week," Carlisle confirmed, and Silas couldn't contain his joy. Carlisle carrying Silas over to his desk chair and sitting him down on his lap.
"And we can play?" Silas asked eagerly. This being the most important thing in Silas' mind.

"Of course we can," Carlisle replied, stroking Silas's head affectionately.
"Big brothers and sister too?" Silas asked, remembering his older siblings.

"They still have school, Silas," Esme explained gently.

Silas turned to his mother for a moment before frowning slightly "I don't like school," Silas pouted.
"And why is that?" Carlisle asked, bringing Silas' up to eye level.

"It steals big brothers and sisters from me," Silas whined, his face forming a pout thinking back to yesterday when he was told that his brothers and sisters weren't able to play with him tomorrow (today) as they were off to school, Silas had spent the rest of yesterday evening slightly sulking.
"Aww, they will be out soon, and they probably miss you just as much as you miss them," Carlisle reassured him.

"School steals them," Silas insisted. In his brain this was the only logical solution.
"They have to go to school," Esme interjected, trying to explain to Silas why it wasn't really possible for them to all stay home.

"But I like playing with them," Silas protested, he wanted to play with them all day, along with his parents of course. He really enjoyed his weekend with them all, and he never wanted it to end.
"They like playing with you too, but they have to go," Carlisle explained patiently.

"Daddy?" Silas said, his stomach grumbling. This changing the subject.
"Yes, Silas?" Carlisle replied, smiling knowing what Silas was going to say.
"I'm hungry," Silas declared.

"I know, and mummy's packed a nice lunch for you," Carlisle said, resitting Silas down on his lap. However within secconds there was a knock at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt," a voice broke in. At the door one of the other doctors was stood holding a bunch of papers.

"It's no issue, what do you need?" Carlisle asked, turning to address the interruption, him knowing that Esme never minded and Silas wouldn't be old enough to understand.
"Just a signature for the medicine prescribed for 208," the voice replied.

"Silas, can Daddy get up?" Carlisle asked, looking down at his son. Silas who was just staring at the new person at the door.
"Okay," Silas said, feeling a bit embarrassed at the attention, especially as he could see the person at the door was looking at him. Carlisle standing up with Silas in his arms

"I wasn't aware that you had a younger child, how old is he" the doctor asked, him thinking that the pair only had older children, as they were the only ones that he had seen and that they came around fairly regularly.

"This little one is five now" Esme said as she wrapped her arms around Silas' waist, Silas' face scrunching at his mother's words, Esme them patting down Silas' hat making sure that his perky ears were covered.

As they walked out of the office, Silas turned to his mother. "Mommy, I'm seven, not five. I'm not a baby." He informed his mother, quite upset on how she had forgotten his age.
"I know, sweetie," Esme replied softly, trying to slightly brush off this conversation.

"Why did you tell him I was a baby then?" Silas asked, feeling a bit confused. Carlisle entering the room once again, picking Silas up along the way. Once again sitting the boy on his lap.
"That's something that adults discuss, Silas," Esme said gently.
"So I'm five?" Silas asked, furrowing his brows. He didnt want to be five, he was a big boy.
"Oh, sweetie, you'll be seven to us, but five to everyone else," Esme explained a forced smile on her face.

"Because the adults say so?" Silas asked, trying to understand.

"Exactly," Esme confirmed with a smile, Silas practically mesmerised by her smile.

"And it makes people happy?" Silas asked, still a bit puzzled.

"It does," Esme replied, taking his hand in hers before quickly kissing his head.

"Thank you, Silas. Now, come on, let's get some food in your tummy," Carlisle said, opening the boxes that Esme had places on his desk.

"Mmmm Hungry," Silas mumbled, licking his lips at the sight of food in front of him.

21st February 2024
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