Chapter 39 - I LOVE HER

Start from the beginning

Shreyansh heard what she said and got confused, but asked her to speak further.

Shree asked him that "when I called you in the afternoon and you said that there was work stress, but I don't know inside, I felt that you lied to me. If you don't want to say it's ok, but I told you what I felt. I know it will be your private matter; that's why you will be stressed. I don't mind if you say no; it's your own wish."

Hearing this, he was surprised and wondered how she knew that I had told a lie.

He thought that just by hearing my voice, she knew that I was under stress and that I had lied to her. How well she understood me in such a short time!

It's not that I don't trust her, but I don't want to tell her that right now, and I don't want to bring any complications into our friendship.

After some time, he said very nervously, "Yes, I lied to you because... he says after a lot of courage. Uhh, it's about my past."

He said again," Shree, it's not that I don't trust you; I trust you." He just told her, looking directly into her eyes. He saw that her eyes were wet with tears.

While he was speaking, she stopped him and said, While ensuring that it's okay. " Hey, it's okay; you don't want to share. Okay, I know how you feel when your past comes back in front of you."

while saying this, her eyes became moist.

"Come on now, put all those sorrows aside; we have reached, " she said with little smile

She put the thoughts of her past out of her mind.

He thought that she had spoken the truth; we should put sorrows aside now. Why should we be saddened by remembering the things of the past? But what had happened to her? Her eyes were wet with tears.

At Malhotra Company

In Ajay's cabin, he is working on the file.

At that time, Shreyansh's father enters and asks "where Shreyansh is; he is not in his cabin."

In reply, Ajay says "he is not here and is gone for.....uhh ... some work. " He breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought I couldn't tell you, uncle, that he was going to meet his future wife. When he got to know that I told you that he was with her, then he would kill me.

And again, his father asked "when he would come?"

He replied that he would come directly home for dinner.

"Okay," his father replied and left his cabin.

In small tea stall

"So, we have come here to drink tea." He asked to make sure.

"I know you like black coffee, but once you drink this tea, you feel very refreshed, "she said, but she was not sure whether he would agree or not.

"Ok, madam, I can have a cup of tea for you." He said, respecting her words, he agreed.

She thought I didn't know why he called me madam. Whenever he calls me madam, I get butterflies in my stomach. When I gave him the bag, even though he called me madam, I had the same feeling. I don't know what is happening to me, and I don't know. My cheeks start to heat up.and My smile comes automatically after hearing this. All of this just happens in a fictional story, not in real life.

" Uncle, two cups of tea, " she said while sitting on a long bench.

He wondered whether she knew it or not; whenever I addressed her as madam, her cheeks turned red like tomatoes.

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