I slowly touch it and gasp at the rush of emotions that swarmed into my body from that little contact.
Touching it made me want him even more. Was that how it felt for all who were marked?

I couldn't let him know how much this affected me. I realize now that everyone was right from the start. I was too nice. It's why I kept getting hurt. No matter how hard it was, I had to start fighting back for what I wanted.

Anya started this war, and I was going to end it. She knew what she was doing. It was no longer just because she wanted Atticus, she was purposefully trying to hurt me. I wasn't having any of it anymore.

They would both see a side of me they'd never seen before. My eyes flash to a bright purple, and I gasp. I cover my mouth with my hand. How did my eyes change color? I blink, and it returns to normal. Had I just mistaken that?

The anger I felt inside was unlike anything l'd felt in the past. I was almost scared of myself or the person I'd just seen in the mirror. She looked like someone that could quickly go out of control.

I shook that thought out of my head. I was reading too much into it. I didn't plan on leaving this room for a long while. I needed time to think about things and how I would deal with Anya and Atticus in my way.


It was the first day back at the academy as a married woman. I was now officially part of the Fawn family.

We'd connected our families and, in turn, made us more powerful than we already were.

Atticus didn't return to our room yesterday. Part of me was disappointed, but the other half was relieved that I had gotten some time to come to terms with everything that had happened between us.

No one had mentioned anything about him marking me, and it feels weird to me that they refused to acknowledge it.

The stares that went my way as I stepped through the door to the academy proved my earlier thoughts.

Atticus is by my side, and I know I'll have to get used to all the extra attention now that
he's by my side. It's not just him Clarissa, Damon, and Dante are behind us.

Anya was still in the hospital, but I knew she was most likely faking it, hoping that Atticus would worry about her and rush to see her again.

I was pleased he hadn't done it, but I didn't want to jinx it. I kept trying to act like I still enjoyed the idea of divorce, but I don't want to push him over the edge, either.

Damon separated from us to walk Clarissa to her class. she was in a lower level than the rest of us.

The stares don't stop even when we step into the classroom.

"The Fawns are late." Mr. Samuel announced. "Let's give them a round of applause for keeping that tradition alive."

My cheeks are red. I was never late to class in the past, but I'm a Fawn now as well, aren't I? Things were different now. It felt that way… Different. I haven't gotten used to it yet.

"Our topic today is witches." Witches. Again?

"And a few important spells. Some that can cause more harm than good." He says, pointing at the slides on the board.

"First, the infamous love spell."

More like a dangerous love spell. I've heard of many stories where witches made men think they were in love with them, breaking up families and couples everywhere.

There were some selfish witches, and then the good ones stopped them. The world was a constant battle between good and evil.

"I hope none of the witches in this classroom are planning on memorizing this spell to use on their crushes." He warned. "I'm only making you aware. Let me clarify that no one is to practice any of these spells. They are very dangerous and can cause plenty of damage to those around you, including yourself."

Unwanted Bride Of Atticus FawnWhere stories live. Discover now