Chapter Forty Six - Juliet

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Rushing my steps, I immediately spot Charlie in one of the three spots he has claimed as his own in the diner. Plus, it's actually not that busy at this hour so I would have spotted him easily even without the bright Vikings beanie he has on.

"Hi Charlie," I say as I slide into the booth across from him. "Where are the other two shitheads?" I ask, full knowing that one of those shitheads is my boyfriend.

Charlie shrugs. "They had to do something after school. But I wanted to talk to you, Jules, about something."

I raise my brow. It's not like him to dismiss the other two so easily and actually talk what's on his mind. "Alright, hit me," I say as I lean forward.

He frowns and looks down at the soda in his hands. "Umm... How soon after a breakup is it alright to pursue something... else?"

I stare at him for a moment before saying, "Well since my last and only relationship ended and I fucked Max three days after, I say I'm not a great source to ask." Then it hits me. I gasp, "Is there someone who caught your eye?"

His cheeks darken. "Well I don't know. She's pretty and funny and I literally can't stop thinking about her and-" Charlie stops when he glances at me. "Stop looking at me like that. I shouldn't even be consider this. It would be so rude to Kate if I did."

"Maybe... but you weren't happy with Kate and you deserve a little bit of happiness, Charlie." I reach over the table and grab his cold hands. "If you're worried about offending Kate, you can just befriend this mystery girl and see if she has any feelings for you too. That way you can wait a little bit longer and you get to spend time with her."

Charlie squeezes my hands and smiles weakly. "You are so wise, Jules."

I roll my eyes and sit back. "So. Tell me about her. What's her name?"

His cheeks stay red as he says quietly, "Her name is Leia." When he says her name, he seems to blush even more. "Her dad got transferred here from Chicago and couldn't wait out her final semester back there. All her family members are spread throughout the country so she had to move with her dad. And she's like the prettiest person I've ever met and she seems like a great person and-"

"Charlie breathe," I laugh. "I take it back. You should just ask her out."

Charlie pauses. "Really?"

"Of course. You were never this excited about Kate. I can tell that this Leia is really special." I get a glimpse of the two idiots about to enter the diner so I ask quickly, "Do the boys know about her?"

He shakes his head quickly. "No. And I'd like to keep it that way."

Nodding to him, Max and Seth race inside to get rid of the chill outside. I smile at the sight of my boyfriend and his eyes grow lighter as he stares me down. As my heart goes pitter patter, Max shrugs off his jacket and slides in beside me, his lips immediately finding mine. I giggle against his lips as his cold hand has somehow made it underneath my sweater, my back turning ice cold because of it.

"Come on you two. Stop being gross at the table," I hear Seth grumble.

Without even looking, I can already tell that Max is flipping off his friend. Max finally pulls away but puts his mouth near my ear. "After this I gotta talk to you about something."

Leaning back, I raise a brow. "Oh?"

His golden eyes stare at my lips as if that's all he can still think about. "It's not serious, I just don't want those idiots listening in," he whispers.

Nodding, I kiss him one more time before we order our usuals and I make the boys talk about school. I for one don't miss being in school but I do miss the constant schedule, have a daily routine you could look forward to. And I like hearing them talk about some of my old teachers and the dynamics at school.

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