Chapter Twenty Three - Juliet

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The game has yet to start by the time I arrive based on the national anthem being played on the screen and how the guys are all huddled around the kitchen table, shoving their faces with food. "Hi boys!" I announce as I take off my shoes and that's when they all turn to me, particular golden eyes turn away first.

"Hey Jules," they say in unison and resume devouring pizza. I roll my eyes at their perfect metabolism. Letting them be for a moment, I head over to Mr. Evans and smile, "Hi Mr. Evans. Pleasure to see you once again."

He smiles as if I don't say this to him every single time I'm over. "How's it going?" Mr. Evans asks as I join his side.

Kissing his cheeks, I sit by his side. "The same old, same old unfortunately."

He gestures to himself in his favorite chair. "Likewise, kid." In just the corner of my vision, I can see Charlie stiffen at his father's words. Charlie has rarely spoken about his father's ailments but I know how protective he is of his father. I glance back at Charlie to give him a strained smile but he's trying his best pretending like he's not listening in on us. I do catch eyes with Max which is all the more confusing. Turning back to Mr. Evans, he smiles weakly, "Just gotta take it one day at a time."

I reach out to hold his hand and I smile to see he isn't shaking. "That's all we gotta do," I agree.

Mr. Evans pats my hand and gestures behind him. "You better get in there before the three little pigs eat everything."

Seth scoffs with a mouthful of pizza stuffed in. "I like to believe we're ravenous lions," he says after swallowing.

"That's the dumbest shit you've ever said," Max says as I join Seth's side.

"Well what would you rather be? A pig or the king of the jungle?"

Charlie rolls his eyes as he reaches again for another piece. "I never understood that phrase: king of the jungle. Don't lions primarily live in the grasslands of Africa?"

Seth groans. "Don't nitpick a common phrase used by literally everyone. But the point stands. I'd rather be a lion than a measly pig."

Max crosses his arms over his chest. "Why are you acting as though pigs don't get to like 500 pounds?"

"They're not carnivorous predators!" Seth yells.

I quickly get that Max and Charlie are just fucking with Seth by how they continue the debate for another two minutes. At the end, Seth huffs and heads to the living room to watch the start of the game. Now alone with the other two, I turn to Charlie, "So is Kate coming?" Charlie blinks at me and I frown. "You didn't invite her?"

"Well I technically didn't invite you here either," he counters.

Max gives me a quick glare but I ignore it. "Well, call her you dumbass," I say to Charlie. When he doesn't look like he's racing to get out his phone, I huff, "She's your girlfriend and you need to ask her."

"She has homework to get done."

"Did you already know that or did you just make that up?" I ask while crossing my arms over my chest.

Though Max hates whenever we talk about Kate, he smiles devilishly at his friend and mirrors my pose. "Yeah, Charles. Did you know that already or did you make that up?"

Charlie looks between the both of us and frowns. "She doesn't like baseball."

From the living room, Seth calls out, "Now that's just a sin in this household."

Growing tired of this, I slap Charlie's bicep. "Text her now. And if she says no, then it's no, and if it's yes then you get to spend time with your lovely girlfriend."

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