Chapter Four - Charlie

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I arrive at home after all of the chores that I completed. "Dad, I'm home!" I yell, just in case he's downstairs. I hear him call from the kitchen. "I got you your favorite brand of olive and I still don't know why you needed it."

"I'm cooking, you buffoon." I drop the bags on the kitchen table and start unpacking. "I see you went Jerry's," he says in a concerned voice. "Not Gordon's?"

"Your olives are only available at Jerry's. Unless you don't want them."

"Of course I do, kid. Sit down for a bit, you're exhausting me." I do as he says and I watch his movements. He seems alright. "What time does school start tomorrow?"

"The same as always." I open a bag of chips and munch on them before he notices I'm eating right before dinner.

"What classes are you taking?"

"Umm, tomorrow I have math, English, chemistry, and a study hall. Then on Thursday I have Spanish, history, theater and a study hall."

"You have a lot of time to study then."

"I sure do." I go through the bags on the table and look down at the empty notebooks that I bought. All the possibilities in the world. "Do you need help?" I ask as I stand.

He considers this for a moment. "Not right now. But I need you to check if everything is locked downstairs. We're closing early tonight."

"But what if someone has an emergency and they need to get a screwdriver?" I mock.

"They know where we live."

"You think of everything." Leaving the comfort of our upstairs apartment, I head down the cold stairs that connects to the shop below. I walk through the dark shop and pass the familiar aisles that I have to stock. As I reach the front door, I see that the mailman tried shoving the mail underneath the door instead of the box. Does the guy not have eyes? Sorting through the various pieces of mail, I find a postcard from mom. She went to the Caribbean without me. Even though I have wanted to go since seeing the movies. Thanks a lot, mom.

Upstairs, I hear clatter of pans and some swearing. "Everything alright?" I ask as I approach him.

He sighs loudly and nods. "I just forgot how long it's supposed to be in the oven for. I'll wing it." I question if he's remembering things alright but don't say anything. "Do I need you to get you anything for tomorrow? Do I need to give you money?"

"Nah, I'm good. Things should be pretty easy."

"Good, good. You have to keep your grades up, so scouts will notice you."

"I know. I know." I escort him to his chair and turn on the sports channel for him. "I'm going to pack, if you need me." As I head to my room with bags full of supplies, my phone in my pocket chirps. After setting down the items, the phone says Kate's name on the front. "Come pick me up," it says. I sigh and look down at the phone. Why?

I decide to call her instead of a texting war.

"Hey," her voice calls over the phone.

"Why do I need to pick you up?" I ask.

"I want to see you on our last day of freedom. Plus I wanna make out."

I pause. "Uh, sure. I will after I eat with my dad." She agrees to this and I immediately sigh after hanging up. I just wanted a relaxing night before I went off to school in the morning but I still have my duty as a boyfriend apparently. I head back into the living space and find my dad asleep already but he needs it.

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