Chapter Forty - Charlie

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Seth stands by my dresser when I walk in, Max shortly following me in afterwards. As Max leans against my door, I awkwardly stand by my bed. "What happened?" Seth asks to kick this uncomfortable conversation off.

Biting my cheek, I have to look away from them. As angry as I am at Kate for not trying to be civil, they were also just as bad besides Jules. "You guys suck," I mumble. Max snorts but refrains from saying what's on his mind. "You couldn't just pretend to like Kate?" I sigh and throw my arms up.

"Charlie," Max says, "we're going to be 100% honest with you because I fucking hate walking on eggshells for you. We were trying."

I stare at him. "You basically pounced on her the second you had a chance. That's not trying."

Max narrows his eyes. "You honestly think I was going to let fucking Kate insult my girlfriend and you? Yeah you can say we were half-assing being nice to her, but Jules was trying her fucking best. It's a fucking miracle we didn't say more to her."

I turn to Seth, who has been monitoring us silently. When we make eye contact, he says quietly, "Jules didn't deserve that today. I'm even surprised Max didn't do more."

I sigh. "I know Jules didn't deserve that. But say what you've been thinking for the past six months. I need to hear it."

Max jumps at the chance to say shit about Kate. "Your girlfriend is so fucking annoying. She's always a bitch to us and to you and we're just supposed to take it?" Falling onto my bed, I close my eyes. Why can't I sort out anything in my mind? I'm playing both sides and both sides are angry with me and I'm angry with them, all of them. "Just fucking cut the bitch out and find someone who actually appreciates you." I hear Seth slap Max and the latter snaps back, "I fucking don't care if I'm the asshole here. I'm tired of not being honest with you Charlie because we don't want to hurt your feelings."

I sit up on my elbows to see Max and Seth silently argue with one another. When they notice I'm watching them, Seth says, "Max is being a little bitch. Ignore him."

Shaking my head, "You don't have to coddle me, Seth. I'm glad for the honesty."

"'Bout fucking time," Max mumbles.

With my throat tight, "I told Kate I'd always choose you guys." The both of them snap their attention to me. "I told her that if it came to you or her, I'd always choose you guys."

Max raises his brows. "Bet she fucking loved that."

Seth again slaps him. "What did we say about your use of language?"

As Max flips him off, I finally admit, "I think she broke up with me." My stomach lurches at this. Kate was my first real girlfriend and I fucked this relationship up. We only were dating for six months.

I lay back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling as Seth asks, "You think she broke up with you?"

I huff and cover my face with my hands. I groan, "Why am I so fucking stupid?"

"You grew up with us two dipshits," Max laughs from the door. "Of course you're a dumbass."

"Ignore him," Seth says. "What did she say exactly?" As I grumble what Kate last said before she slammed my truck door, I feel like actual shit. I've been so blind lately, it truly feels like someone's repeatedly punching me. "I understand why you say you think she broke up with you."

Sitting up quickly, I ask, "Should I call her?"

"To clarify if she broke up with you?" Max laughs. "Fucking no. You are stupid."

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