Yamaguchi Tadashi - Yamaguchi Hanako

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Yamaguchi Tadashi yawns and stretches as he let out all the stress from the tiring school day. The sun was just setting and streaks of pink and orange painted the once blue sky. Beside him, Tsukishima unscrewed his water bottle and took a long, refreshing gulp of warm water. His bottle was almost empty, after the enduring practice, not to mention that he had even donated half of it to Tadashi who had forgotten his own drink bottle.

"Is your sister coming?" Tsukishima asked when he finished the last drop of water. Tsukishima glanced beside him when he thought he heard Yamaguchi sigh, but couldn't be sure because his head was turned.

"Probably," Tadashi murmured. "You can go first. She'll be here soon."

Before Tsukishima could take up that chance to leave, a white car he recognised as the Yamaguchi family car, drove up to them and parked in front of Tadashi. The window scrolled down, revealing a pretty, short haired female in her twenties - Yamaguchi Hanako. Her grin was large as she met her little brother and his friend. "Hey Tada-kun~! And, blonde beanstalk. I came to pick you up, Tada-kun. And your dinner is in the car too," she smiled.

"Yamaguchi-san," Tsukishima gave a little nod of greetings and Tadashi said nothing.

Quickly turning off the engine of the car, Hanako jumped out of the car and took hold of Tadashi's bags. "I'll take those for you." Immediately, she carried them and chucked them into the back of the car. Tadashi watched her and sighed, but didn't do anything to stop her. Getting into the car, Tadashi and Tsukishima had a quick farewell before Hanako started the engine again and drove off.

Walking home, Tsukishima smiled up into the sky slyly and tilted his glasses upwards. "Arara. I wonder what will happen next."

Tadashi opened the boot of the car and lifted his school bag and sports bag from the deep boot before slinging both around his shoulder. He stumbled at the weight of both bags and as if his sister knew it, Hanako grabbed the bags from him and marched to the front porch before unlocking the entrance door.

"Ah thanks," Tadashi said. His sister only smiled and nodded.

When he was done unpacking most of his books and sports stuff, Tadashi undressed and went into the bathroom for a hot bath. He needed it after practice, where he attempted the floater serve countless of times. Tadashi could still see himself jumping and hitting the ball, over and over again in his head. But that was what he needed to do, to catch up with his accelerating team. Sometimes, it really felt like he was the only one holding the team back.

When he was done, Tadashi put on his pyjamas and flopped on to his bed, pulling out his laptop to spend some time on his overdue homework. A shout came from downstairs, "Tada-kun~! Are you alright? What are you doing? Have you taken a shower? If not, you can go before me. Also, how was the dinner I made?"

Tadashi pushed down his frustrated grunts of reply. "I'm done showering. You can go," he paused, "The dinner was good." He had to admit it was - his sister's cooking was always amazing. Nothing he could ever do, because he barely cooked anyway. Hanako did it all.

There was a silence before Hanako answered, "...Ok." From downstairs, she stared weirdly at the ceiling, raising an eyebrow. After all these years that Hanako had been Tadashi's older sister, she had learned to sense when something was wrong with a teenage boy that was constantly growing and changing. There was one telltale sign though - their voice was never consistent in frequency unless something was wrong.

Hanako sighed and sat down, slumping on to the table. Truth was, she was tired. Just absolutely exhausted. Life was a mess. Never had she wished for her parents more, but they were dead. Her job was difficult, especially when she was juggling studies and household work as well. Not only that, she had a teenage brother in the house.

Hanako banged her head on the table again and closed her eyes, clutching her shirt near her heart. She bit her lip and tried not to cry. There was no use crying endlessly, she had learnt that the hard way. All it did was give her puffy eyes the next day and Hanako hated that.

She had to keep her brother close to her - he was the only family she had left.

When Hanako was done reminiscing about the past that she could no longer go back to, Hanako straightened and took out her phone.


ME: Tsukishima, seriously, what did I do wrong?

Tsukishima: You're asking me? Is this about Tadashi?

ME: What did you think? Of course.

Tsukishima: He didn't tell me, but I think you should give him some space.

ME: What does that mean?

Tsukishima: Exactly.

ME: Huh?

He didn't reply.

The next morning, before the sun was even up, Hanako burst into her brother's room to find him startled awake. "Tada-kun!"

"What the hell? It's one in the morning," Tadashi grunted and then rolled so that he wasn't facing his sister or huffing and puffing face. "What do you want?"

Hanako calmed down and then walked to her brother's bed and sat down. "It took me a long time, but I understand what that prick is talking about now. He frustrates me but I know that he is right. You've got a crush or something now, right? That's why you don't want me to mess with your life? If that's the case, you don't have to worry about it Tada-kun. I can give you tips and I will most definitely not mess with your life."

Tadashi widened his eyes and sat up, finally facing her. "What has gotten into you? I don't have a crush! Or a secret girlfriend or anything! What are you thinking?! You can't just storm into my room like this and demand whatever weird attention you want! I'm trying to sleep! You know that I have a game tomorrow!"

Hanako blinked. "So... that's not it? But you wanted space?"

Tadashi finally erupted. His face was red and fuming as he hissed, "Hell yeah I need the space. Was that what Tsukki told you? He's right. Get out."

Her eyes widened, disbelieving and then tears blurred her vision. "What's wrong with you, Tada-kun? You were never like this."

Tadashi bit his lip, as if he was trying to push down his own tears. "I don't mean to be cruel or mean or anything, sorry. I just..." Tadashi looked away in guilt, "I feel like you're always treating me like a child. You know that I'm a first year now. I don't need you to do every little thing for me. I can do things for myself. I don't want to always rely on you. And yeah, it's a little embarrassing." Tadashi finally let it all out. He didn't want to look at his sister's broken expression.

"You don't need me anymore," Hanako said hollowly, "I'm sorry. I get it."

Tadashi snuck a look at his sister and saw a tear roll down her cheek. He widened his eyes. "Nee-san? Oh no, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to make you cry. Oh god," he didn't know what to do. "Sorry, I just..." He didn't know how to explain himself.

Hanako shook her head and wiped away her tears. "It's me who should be sorry. I've been so overprotective of you ever since... mum and dad passed away. I just didn't want to lose you and wanted to take the best care of you. I didn't realise... I'm so sorry. I have to let you go and be a man, don't I?" Hanako smiled at him, the tears glistening in her eyes.

But somehow, the wetness in Tadashi's older sister's eyes didn't make him feel guilty at all. It was as if his sister was finally understanding him, as if they were finally on the same page. Tadashi smiled and hugged Hanako, "I still love you, don't worry."

Hanako clung on to him and squeezed, "I've learnt that I don't need to be worried about you. You're the most capable young man I know, and you're going to kill it tomorrow. The game is in your hands and you're going to win."

Tadashi grinned. As always, his sister seemed to know his every thought. "Thanks. I'll win it for you."

And here's the chapter! I'm so glad I could get it to you and I hope that you aren't too disappointed with my crappy writing. Not sure if I was able to convey the emotions and ideas to the audience well enough, but I hope that you still enjoyed reading. Please like the fanfiction and drop a comment in the discussion below! I'm still happy to receive requests, by the way. 

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