Nishinoya Yuu - Nishinoya Akari

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"Akari! Are you going to join us after school? We're going to Sakanoshita to get some drinks and then we're going for some karaoke. Wanna come? Will your brother's volleyball practice affect it though? I can always give you a lift. My older brother is at home for a few weeks," Suyu chattered excitedly as the bell rang for lunch. She was the social butterfly of the class, and Akari's best friend. Whatever Suyu was invited to, Akari would be there as well. And after a few weeks, Akari had already made a lot of friends.

"Okay. I don't have much homework to finish anyway. Which karaoke place are we going to? I heard that the one downtown is not as good as the one over on the far end of the city, near the public library," Akari commented as she took her bento from her bag. "Wanna go to the cafeteria for lunch?"

"Actually, I need to go find out where we're going. So I'll catch up at the cafeteria later! Go first," Suyu waved. Akari nodded and left after exchanging a few words.

The hallway was crowded like always as students scrambled to the cafeteria. The food was better hot, and if you were at the end of the line, the food was always cold. Akari skipped through the sea of people, with the usual smile on her face. Most people hated school. But she couldn't help loving it. Meeting new people was always so intriguing and her class, being the average one, had all sorts of amazing people.

There was the smarter group who helped everyone with their work, the athletic group who couldn't care less about anything other than sport but were really friendly and riled up when you talked sports with them which Akari knew a lot about, the girly group who gossiped about everything so Akari knew about most of the things happening around school, the ones who didn't care and slacked off, but were still fun to be around. What was there to hate about school? Sure there were the usual bullies and guys who pushed other around like they were the boss, but as long Akari herself didn't get involved... it would all be fine right?

A shout cut Akari from her thoughts. Her mind was now focused on locating the source of the sound. Curious, she peered around the corner to find a slim boy on the ground with three bulkier guys standing on top of him. It looked like they had hurt him quite badly. There was a bruise on his face, but no blood. Not yet at least.

Akari's eyebrows knitted together in fury. How dare they! What were they doing to him that made him... like this?! "Hey! What are you doing to him?!" Akari shouted boldly as she stepped forward. The guys immediately turned their attention towards and sneered at the smaller girl. She could feel herself quiver in her shoes, but she wasn't going to stand for this injustice.

"What's that you say, chibi-chan?" The tallest guy inched forward, as if daring her to speak up again. She recognised him as Watori, menace of the school.

"What are you doing to him? Did you beat him up? 'Cause that's not cool! What did he do to you?" Akari protested, not backing down.

The guys laughed; they sounded like hyenas. It reminded Akari of that movie... what was it called again? The Lion King? "Look, chibi-chan. Just go away and mind your own business. This guy, he made me fail! And after I let him off for pushing in the line for lunch too! You think that's fair? Huh?!" Watori waved his test papers in the air. C.

Akari tilted her head. "A C isn't that bad, is it? I mean, I get Cs all the time! Plus, you didn't even do it so you can't possible be blaming him for it."

"I told you to mind your own business, didn't I?" The male leaned into her; she could smell his hot anchovy breath. "I lost a bet because of this!" His roar echoed through the hallways, making students flee in fear.

"Still!" Akari scowled, "That's no way to treat somebody!" Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Watori draw his hand back, ready for another punch. Akari squeezed her eyes shut and felt the punch land on her gut. She coughed. He wasn't playing around.

Just as she was about to apologise and run away, she caught her eyes on a figure. The boy behind lashed out a punch which caused Watori to stumble backwards in pain. Akari's eyes watered. "Yuu-nii! Don't!"

Yuu directed his steely gaze towards her and sighed. "Not again, Aka-chan." But before Akari could warn her brother, he was already wiping the floor with Watori and his guys. Along with Tanaka, Asahi, Suga and Daichi who had appeared out of nowhere. "Guys..."

Yuu rolled up his sleeves and walked to his little sister when they had transported the other victim to the infirmary. Akari was still laying against the wall with a bruise and blood on her face. "Aka-chan. You okay? You could've gotten really hurt, you know! Stop being so reckless! Seriously, you're going to get yourself killed like this one of these days! What if I wasn't coincidentally walking down this hallway with my guys?! Aka-chan..."

Akari's tears dripped down on to her skirt. "I had it handled, you know Yuu-nii! I don't want you guys getting hurt because of me. Plus, I'm fine."

"You had it handled, my ass," Yuu rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"We're more worried about you, Little Noya! But you sure were brave!" Tanaka grinned and pat her head, causing her to blush. "And now you really look like Aka-chan (aka: red)! What with all your blood and blushing! Ha!" The guys glared at him, making him laugh nervously. "Too soon?"

"Yeah. We're fine. I'll talk with the Vice Principal. You shouldn't walk into a fight like that, you know," Daichi said with a soft tone which he only used with Akari.

"I was shaking, Aka-chan! Don't scare me like that," Sugawara had his hands over his heart, as if still fearful of what may happen.

"I agree with Suga-san. I almost died!" Asahi was as pale as a ghost and it looked as if he'd seen one too.

"Aww, guys..." She leapt on to them and laughed. "I really dislike you guys, you know! And especially you, Yuu-nii!"

"Well, that's my job. Just promise me you won't be so reckless. If it's not you dying, it'll be me getting into a ton of trouble with mum and dad," Yuu said.

"Oh fine....! I don't fully promise though. I can't exactly control what happens around me, or my impulse."

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