Sawamura Daichi - Sawamura Kiya

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Sawamura Kiya's eyes shone like stars under the sun. The light reflected off her perfect dark brown orbs as if she were an angel. Her eyes were completely fixated on one boy. The others didn't matter, they could muck about all they liked, she only cared about one boy.

Only minutes after, her older brother finally gave in and dragged her away to his car, retiring for the day. "Come on. Home now, Kiya-chan," Sawamura Daichi ordered with the stern voice he always used on his little sister, only when it was an order.

"No! No! No! NII-CHAN! NOOOOOOOO!" she moaned, but there was no stopping the way Daichi pulled her away by the collar. Even if she kicked and punched her brother's thick, muscular arms. Compared to her skinny figure, there really was no way out of his steel grip.

"Bye bye Daichi! Bye bye Kiya!" Suga called out to them in his usual cheery tone, waving to the siblings enthusiastically. "See you tomorrow guys!" He was answered with a short wave from both - their usual routine. Suga grinned.

The Sawamura siblings were similar, yet unique in their own ways. Daichi was a stern, disciplined person, generous and humorous in his own way. Kiya was another story. She was the cute one guys fawned over, and she always got her way. Well, tried to. If Daichi wasn't there to stop her, Kiya would be the queen of the universe if she had the chance. But she had her generous and kind side too. Both had the same chocolate brown hair, dark brown eyes and the same face when they were determined.


"Who were you so reluctant to leave, Kiya?" Daichi asked curiously in the car. His sister huffed beside him; he read her like a book. It had always been like this. What were the chances that he wouldn't have noticed?

"No one..." Kiya cast her glance away, playing with her pig tails.

Daichi pressed on the brakes as the road lights flashed red. He snatched a look at his younger sister's blushing face. He didn't think it would ever happen, honestly. "Kiya," he warned.

After a few moments of prolonged silence, Kiya threw her hands up exasperatedly. "Fine! Fine. It was Kageyama-kun, okay? He's just really hot. And he has this secretly really nice side to him. I love him, okay?" She rolled her eyes. "Happy now?"

He sighed. "Really, Kiya-chan? Kageyama-kun? Him? I don't want to be the one who says this, but it will never happen. Not in a million years. Do you know him? That guy only thinks about volleyball." Daichi stomped on the accelerator. "Absolutely not."

"Nii-chan! You're so mean!" Kiya replied angrily, curling her pigtails even more. "I really like Kageyama-kun! I'll show you! I'll make him fall in love with me! I'm going to ask him out this week!" She declared ambiguously.

Daichi's fingers tightened around the steering wheel without him noticing as he swung around the corner and brought the car into his driveway, quite aggressively too. He slammed on the brake and powered off the car. "Shut it, Kiya. You don't know what you're talking about," he glared at her.

Kiya shared his glare, returning an ever fiercer one back at him. "I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not a baby anymore. You don't think I have experience in this sort of thing? Boys ask me out all the time. I just reject them because I know they're just going to waste my time. I'll prove it to you, Nii-chan. Kageyama-kun will be my boyfriend by the end of this week," Kiya said. She opened the car door and proceeded to walk out and into the house. "After all, it's not like I have all the time in the world," she whispered.

"This isn't a game, Kiya!" Daichi called before she slammed the front door behind her, already in the house. He gritted his teeth and sighed. When was she going to learn that the world wasn't the wonderful story she thought it be? When was she going to learn that life is actually harsh and cruel to everyone? That the odds were probably never going to be in your favour unless you worked hard enough?

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