Futakuchi Kenji - Futakuchi Kei/Futakuchi Kaede

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Her white long white dress covered almost the entire aisle and was illuminated by rays of sunshine that shone through the clear windows of the church. The audience took a stand, smiling from ear to ear as the bride passed them, giving each and everyone of them a piece of her angel like smile. Everyone could not have been happier. The two lovebirds from middle school were finally together. Their families - tight friends - had expected it, and waited for an eternity for this very day. The only who didn't smile that day, Kenji Futakuchi.

He stood amongst his older sister, parents and other relatives. Kenji stared at his older sister who stood in front of him, clapping. She was only shorter by an inch, yet older by three years. The twins, his older brother and his older sister, had graduated not long before. And Kei Futakuchi had been quick to propose as soon as he'd gotten out of school. Kaede Futakuchi, on the other hand, was still playing with her boyfriend, Aokiji-kun. Not doing much about their possible future together. That's what it seemed like, anyway.

When they neared the ceremony, the master cleared his throat for the most paramount words of the wedding. "Futakuchi Kei! Do you pledge take Sayo Kokoro as your wife and swear your life to her, until death do you apart?"

The tall, broad chested male's stood proud and his smile was never happier. His brown hair that were the same as all of siblings, glinted in the sunlight, as if fairies had dawned upon him. Kenji's mouth caught on his throat. "I do."

"And Sayo Kokoro! Do you pledge to take Futakuchi Kei as your husband and swear your life to him, until death do you apart?"

"I do," her high pitched voice resounded across the church. Relatives and friends swooned at the perfect couple but Kenji only felt like throwing up.

"You may kiss the bride!" They grabbed hold of each other urgently and their mouths melted into one, their tongues playing with each other, before they let go reluctantly.


The feast was a flurry of laughing and cheer as people danced, talked, took photos and captured the moments that would be remembered forever. The waiters rushed to serve the high quality food they were known to serve. Including lobsters, Kenji's favourite wedding food, but he could not stomach the idea of eating.

His sister was in a tight dark blue dress, as dark as the night sky. But the sakura sequins sewn on to the fabric, shone like stars. Though it stuck to her and squeezed her stomach, she still found the capability to stuff her mouth and stomach full of food. Her favourite hobby, if you haven't guessed, is eating.

"Ken-chan, what are you doing not eating? The food is delicious. And I thought lobster was your favourite. You're really wasting this great food," Kaede urged as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. She was quite a slim and tall figure, much like the rest of the family. But the amount she could eat topped everyone.

Kenji shrugged. "I'm not hungry," he muttered. The food was delicious, but he just couldn't. Even the smell was making him nauseous. So he stood up and resorted to his last resolution. "I'm going to go out and get some fresh air or something. This place is kinda stuffy," he announced bitterly.

As he walked away, Kaede watched her younger brother walk away. She blinked and sighed, putting down her fork. He was usually such a bratty, salty person. But today, he was too mellow for her twin brother's wedding. Shouldn't he be teasing Kei-chan or something?

Rubbing her belly, wondering if she could fit any more food in, Kaede stood up and followed her disappearing brother. He vanished to the vacant balcony.


Kenji scowled, gritting his teeth and hit his hand on the railing aggressively. An image of his brother flickered in his brain and his hand tightened around the wooden railing. Kenji's heart squeezed.

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