Tsukishima Kei - Tsukishima Natsu

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Fujiwara-kun was a first love of many, to say the least. Dark hair and dark eyes, a cool gaze, and a lean figure. While he looked and was unapproachable for the most part, Tsukishima Natsu was one of his few friends who knew him as the biggest softie to exist.

"Help me with my homework after school," she'd smile up at him when the end-of-school bell rang.

"No, do it yourself," he'd reply. And it would eventually lead to him helping her with her homework.

Today was only one of the many days.

The pair had ducked out of the classroom and forced their way through the crowd of students as soon as class had ended. Natsu trailed after him, having to use double the effort to keep up with him because of her short legs. The hot sun hit their faces as they exited the school grounds, hiding their own heaves and pants from each other.

"It's so hot today," Fujiwara-kun murmured to himself, unbuttoning the first two shirt buttons from the top. Natsu stole a glance and mustered up everything in her to hide a blush. It was no use. "You look kinda pink. Too hot for you?"

"Fujiwara-kun. I don't get pink in the heat," she said.


"Do you know what it means when a girl gets kinda pink on the cheeks?"


Her feet were trembling in her shoes. Her hands were tingly and clammy all at the same time. That, and her cheeks were pink. Should she really say it? "My crush is right next to me. Why wouldn't I blush?"

Fujiwara stopped in his tracks and stared at her. "Tsukishima-chan?"

She stopped too, facing him. "I have to say it. I like you, Fujiwara-kun. Will you date me?"

"Kei, hurry up! We're late!" Akiteru yelled from the front door. Upstairs, Kei only gave a grunt of annoyance and turned off his pc, hurrying downstairs. If he had insisted on playing just one more game, chances were, his mother would take matters into her own hands - that was never good.

They were going to his mother's best friend's house, Ruka-san's house. Since they'd been born, Ruka-san had been like family to them - she and their mother were just that close. Meeting up with her for dinner every few months had become a tradition. One that Kei didn't mind so much because Ruka-san's homemade food was always the best. Going to her house usually took an hour with traffic. Tonight, they were in luck. The three of them, Kei, Akiteru and their mother, arrived on time and were welcomed into the warm home of Ruka-san.


"Haru-chan!" Ruka-san squealed and the two best friends embraced. "Akiteru-kun! Kei-kun! Welcome! I haven't seen the both of you in such a long time - you're both so tall!" She hugged them both. "Natsu is just in the living room. You should go see her."

Kei and Aikteru nodded and obediently walked into the living room they knew so well. Warm and beautifully furnished, Ruka-san's living room was much nicer than their own. After all, two teen boys never managed to keep the house clean.

On the couch, a thirteen-year-old girl sat snuggled with a huge polar bear plushie. In her hands, was a video game controller that seemed to be guiding the anime character on the big TV screen. Akiteru was the first to greet her, sitting next to her and talking to her as if they'd been best friends forever.

"Natsu-chan! How are you?" Akiteru opened his arms wide, expecting some sort of hug but Natsu only gave a nod in his direction. "Your eldest brother barely visits and when he does you're all cold?"

Kei took a seat on the floor by Akiteru's feet. "Hey, Natsu-chan."

To say the least, the atmosphere was awkward. Natsu was not giving them even the slightest eye contact and the two older boys had no idea what to do in the presence of a young girl. Sure, Natsu was their sister but they barely saw each other.

Tsukishima Natsu could be described as a musical prodigy. Since the age of three, she already knew how to play three instruments and sing in perfect pitch. It had urged her mother to put her into a musical academy for prodigies just like her. Only, the academy was in a different prefect. Logistically, she wouldn't be able to go. One thing led to another and somehow Natsu ended up staying with her mother's best friend. Since she was five, she was more Ruka-san's daughter than a daughter of the Tsukishima family. Her mother saw her every few weeks, taking her out whenever she had the time, and her brothers only saw her when they came over to Ruka-san's house.

"So..." Akiteru was the talkative one out of the brothers, and he was really trying hard to bond with his sister. "How was school today?" The most boring question you could ask a kid, but what else could he think of?

"Great," Natsu replied monotonously. The anime character on the screen died.

"Your eyes say something different," Kei replied, just as monotonous. "You got dumped or something?" Akiteru shot him a glare but Kei was too busy watching the single tear bubble and drip down his sister's face. "What did you really?"

"Shut up!" Natsu glared at him. "I didn't."

"You did."


It was a sight. A girl, red-faced and trying not to cry, with her brothers next to her, unsure of what to do. There was a silence of nothing but taking in the situation and doing nothing about it.

"Natsu," Kei spoke. "He probably wasn't worth it."

"He was! He was so worth it! He was the love of my life! You don't even understand, Kei-onii. He was so perfect!" Natsu sobbed. "I love Fujiwara-kun so much."

"If he rejected you like this - enough to make you cry - then maybe it's really not worth it, Natsu-chan," Akiteru said gently, but he was still another romance-less volleyball nerd.

That night they tried, they really did, to make Natsu feel better and forget all about this Fujiwara-kun. They played games, they made jokes, they even baked something for her. It was a huge step out of the comfort zone for Kei - he hated this kind of stuff - but if it was for his sister, he minded it less.

Guys, I have not written in so long 😭 So I'm sorry if this doesn't live up to standards (also considering I haven't watched Haikyuu in years - hopefully I captured enough of Tsukishima's character in this). But thank you to everyone who's been reading up till now - I love you guys!!

Haikyuu Siblings Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें