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Hi, dear readers.

(ADVERTISEMENT SESSION: The name of the new fanfiction is "Is It Okay To Have Dinner With The Spider?" It will come out soon as a completed fanfiction so please stay tuned! but if you would like to read some more of my fanfictions, please visit my profile and you will find two more that are complete fanfictions. I hope you like them.)

I have been running out of ideas and really need some from the audience. So if you would, please donate some ideas in the discussion section and I will try my best to write and publish it. I am planning to do more scenarios with multiple siblings but am running out of scenario ideas. So please, if you would, help out a desperate amateur author and donate some ideas! Thank you. And don't worry, I do plan on continuing this and will not abandon it, (because it may just be my most popular fanfiction).



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