Kiyoko Shimizu - Kiyoko Satora

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Nine years ago...

There was a knock at the door, then a few loud voices, before Kiyoko Satora heard her sister bound up to the door of her room and knock rapidly. "Sato-chan~! Some girls asked us to play volleyball with us! Wanna come? They're at the door now!" Kiyoko Shimizu exclaimed excitedly. Her little body could barely contain the excitement. Her sister and herself usually kept to themselves. It was a wonder that anyone would ask them to play.

The younger sister of the Kiyoko sisters immediately jumped up from her place on the floor, where she'd been colouring in the new colouring book she'd gotten. "Wait for me, onee-chan~!" The miniature girl pumped her little legs as she snatched up her jacket and ran out of her room, meeting her sister, smiling with a flash of her small white teeth. "Let's go!" The pair scuttled off, screaming at the other girls to wait for them.

The ball was coming Satora's way. She could see the perfect sphere in the air, flying towards her. Satora ran towards it but as she got ready to jump, her legs wouldn't move. There was something there, grasping at her legs and preventing her from moving. She felt her knees buckle, and then all she could see was red. Muffled shouts were somewhere in the background, but she couldn't feel anything other than her body tremble.



Shimizu bit her lip and sighed, as she glanced at her subdued younger sister who followed her to the gym. Satora had finally given in to meeting the boys, after weeks of older sister mildly asking her every once in a while. It wasn't that Satora didn't want to, she just wasn't used to it. People... That was a foreign concept to her. After being homeschooled from grade school to middle school, it was a lie to say she was still comfortable around crowds. This had been Shimizu's attempt if opening her younger sister to the world.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Though they'll probably ask a lot of questions..." Shimizu told her sister who nodded numbly. The younger girl couldn't stop her insides from trembling; she felt like earthquakes were happening in her.

"They're... All boys?"

Shimizu nodded, pushing her glasses up. "Yes, I'm afraid so. I know you're especially uncomfortable with boys, but I think this will be more beneficial than harmful. Though... There are two wild cards. You'll immediately known which ones." She gave a small smile. "They're good people. I've known them for a long time now."

The shorter girl, by an inch, looked at the worn footpath which joined the school building and the gym. "Ok." They creaked open the heavy steel doors as the boys' chatter echoed around the gym. There was the usual scolds of Daichi, laughter from Nishinoya and Tanaka, and then the loud yelling from both Kageyama and Hinata. It felt like the usual circus Shimizu was always welcomed into. The third year smiled.

"Eh? Shimizu? Who's that?" Daichi called out when he heard her the doors open.

She pushed her little sister forward, "This is my little sister, Kiyoko Satora. I thought it would be good for her to meet the team and-" She was immediately cut off by the boys who charged forward to greet the girl.

"KIyoko-san~?! How come you never told us about this younger sister of yours?! She looks exactly like you!" Nishinoya yelled furiously as he rushed forward and inspected her with his wide, almost golden, eyes. "HECK! She's cute too!"

Satora clenched her fists and her face turn beetroot red, boiling in embarrassment. She'd never been complimented in such a straightforward manner. "I-I..." But she was immediately interrupted, by an older, bald, boy.

"AGH! I CANNOT STAND IT ANYMORE! THE GODDESS HERSELF HAS AN HEIR!" Tanaka cried out in wails. He forcefully wiped tears from his wet eyes. "I AM NOT CRYING!"

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