Chapter 19 - You Lied

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As the night progressed, (Y/n) found herself mixing between several different groups, chatting, drinking and interacting with everyone at the party. It was safe to say the more she drank, the less she cared. But after her last mission at the club, she wasn't going to let herself get that drunk.

"I'm like, 'Boom. You looking for this?'"

Rhodey was retelling his infamous joke, as he always does at these things. And lucky for him, most of his crowd was laughing.

As (Y/n) looked around, she saw Bucky standing next to Stephen at the bar as he waved her over, so she excused herself from the group to join them.

"(Y/n)! You look great, Doll." He said, swooping down to give her a hug.

"Thanks, James. I see you're reliving your glory days." She smiled, eyeing his outfit.

It looked very similar to his old sergeant's uniform from the 40s. Just like a photograph straight out of the war.

"You know who isn't?" He smiled, looking behind her and pulling her's and Stephen's attention away.

"This was not my idea."

Steve had joined them at the bar with a bottle already in his hand, and (Y/n) and Stephen shared a look before they both burst out laughing.

It seems Natasha liked the matching nurse idea.

"You're missing a mask. It would help hide the embarrassment." Stephen said, trying to calm his humoured state while admiring the fit of giggles coming from (Y/n) next to him.

"Let me guess, Nat's in a matching teal nurse outfit, but hers is skin tight?" (Y/n) asked, just before she watched Steve's cheeks flush slightly.

Just then, Natasha joined the group, confirming (Y/n)'s outfit guess.

"You would have looked so hot in one of these, (Y/l/n)." Natasha said, taking a sip from Steve's drink.

"You do realise we never wear those, right?"

"Boo! Don't take the fun out of it." Nat smirked, seeing the three men eyeing (Y/n), no doubt imagining her at work in a hospital in the same outfit. (Y/n) met their eyes and waved them off, causing Natasha to giggle.

"Alright (Y/l/n), song, dance, now." Nat stated, pulling (Y/n) away from the group and into the section of the room where everyone was dancing.

"Ow! Stop pulling!"

As they found a place on the floor, Nat smirked at (Y/n) now realising the song that was starting; Barracuda - Heart.

"Try and keep up, witch."

The two smiled and started bouncing and dancing to the music, letting the lights flicker over their outfits and throwing their hair about. They giggled as they spun each other and the rest of the room felt like a blur.

The three men, still standing at the bar, were left staring after the two as they started dancing; Steve smiling at Natasha's crazed dancing, Bucky laughing at the two women and Stephen...

Well Stephen was lost.

His eyes were glued to (Y/n). The way her body swayed and dipped. The way her and Natasha would playfully grind against each other like besties do, her skirt flying up ever so slightly, exposing her skin.


"Oh, come on! Loosen up!"

"Fine. But only because you asked."

Stephen had been dragged out by (Y/n) and a couple other surgeons who they had lost in the busy crowd. And he found himself being moved and swayed by the gentle touch of his best friend.

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