Chapter 7 - Do You Mind Helping Me?

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Stephen awoke the next morning fairly early.

After he savoured the small treat (Y/n) had given him the night before, it took him a while to fall asleep. His initial shock seeing her and finding out she was a sorcerer kept him awake. But eventually, his mind drifted asleep, and his new bed was surprisingly comfy.

He had hoped he would be the first one awake, recalling his quiet mornings in the Sanctum; which he enjoyed. But to his dismay, it seemed most of the tower was already starting to 'busy-up' for the day.

As he made his way into the kitchen, hoping to find some sort of coffee or tea to wake him up, he almost bumped into someone. But she was in too much of a rush to mutter more than a 'sorry' before she was on her way again.

Stephen found Thor and Sam sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a slower start to their day than the rest of the building, and Stephen noticed Thor open the lid to a certain container only to be confused as to why someone would put an empty container in the fridge.

This made Stephen chuckle slightly, only before he found a mug - no doubt left by Tony - on the counter wrapped with a little bow and the text 'Abracadabra' printed on it's side.


(Y/n) had ended up reading until the early hours of the morning, only stopping when she realised she was going to be late for training with the two supersoldiers.

Something kept her awake that night.

Possibly the fact that she was utterly engrossed by the words on the pages in front of her.

But more likely due to the thoughts stirring in her head. 

She hadn't predicted how seeing Stephen and actually talking to him would make her feel. But her brain was overthinking.

Did she really miss him?

Did he ever miss her?

Did he feel sorry for what he said?

Why was he really here?

Why hasn't he apologised?

Will he ever?

What is she still doing at 6am reading??

In an attempt to wake herself up, she quickly changed into her training gear, and her pulled her hair back into a ponytail, before she made her way down to the kitchen.

Now, (Y/n) never really learned to incorporate breakfast into her routine, and her fatigue blurred her sense of this as she poured herself a decent sized bowl of whatever cereal Thor would stock up on, scoffing it down, then grabbing some sort of juice on the side and downing that before heading to the training room, now fully aware she was late.

She hated being late.

Not just the thought of feeling unorganised and rushed but also the fact that she knew Steve would have a go at her.

'What were you doing last night?

What time did you go to sleep?

How can we rely on you for a mission if you can't even show up for training on time!'

She started feeling queasy, which was almost certainly due to her stomach having just acquired more than it was used to at this hour as well as her actively rushing through the tower.

In the midst of her sickness and anxiousness, she bumped into someone, but she was so focused on making it to the training room that she didn't register who it was.

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