Chapter 9 - Can We Talk?

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The next day, a decent chunk of the team were out of the tower. Some on a mission, others at a press conference, and whoever was left was simply enjoying their day doing whatever.

(Y/n) however, was in her room when she heard a knock on her door just before it opened.



"Can we talk?"

(Y/n) nodded as Steve moved onto her bed.

He had been feeling guilty about causing a scene during their meeting but couldn't bring himself to a calm enough state to apologise to her yesterday.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to blow up at you like that in front of everyone."

"Steve," She sighed as she sat down next to him, "Why do you always feel the need to baby me? I'm just another member of this team, and more than that, I'm a grown woman. I appreciate how you look out for me but sometimes it's just... unnecessary."

"I- I don't know. I guess I've just always seen you like a sister." He was now staring at the floor, embarrassed by his recent behaviour.

"Well then," She laughed, putting an arm around him, "You really are one annoying brother."

She stood up and ruffled his hair before hearing another knock on her door.

"Oh, sorry- not interrupting, am I?" Stephen asked, seeing Steve on her bed.

"Not at all." Steve answered, leaning his arms back on her bed, clearly getting comfy.

"What's up, Strange?" She asked.

"That's Dr. Strange." He corrected, his face smug as he looked at (Y/n), who was trying her best to hold back a smile. "I was just wondering what you guys were up to. Tower's pretty much empty."

"Ah yeah, well, I'm babysitting." Steve grinned before (Y/n) threw the first book on her desk at his head.

"And I'm being bullied." She said, turning to Stephen, "Bored?"

"A little." He admitted, before moving to sit next to Steve on her bed; a spot in which Steve patted, indicating the free seat next to him.

The two men ended up getting into numerous conversations and (Y/n) noted that Steve most likely hasn't seen his file, and therefore, didn't know her and Stephen had any sort of history.

While the two chatted, she started to tidy her room a little before sitting down at her desk to get herself ready to go out.

"Wow, so you two had the same mentor but never met each other?" Steve was pretty surprised by this, now turning his attention to (Y/n).

"Guess she never thought to introduce us. And The Ancient One mentors many sorcerers anyways." Stephen added, noticing her loss for words. She smiled gratefully at him before continuing to do her hair, now securing an elastic in her messy bun.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Steve asked, noticing her ready state.

"Relax Cap, kitchen needs groceries. Last I recall, that's an 'errand for the team' is it not?" She replied, grabbing her tote bag.

Stephen noticed it was the same one she used for her books, and this drew slight suspicion. And as if on cue, the cloak zoomed into her room just as she was about to leave.

"Please, stop ditching this thing. It clearly doesn't like being left alone." She turned to Stephen, feeling sad for the cloak as it hugged her, appreciative at her words.

"I'll try." He smiled.

However, there was something slightly off about his smile. (Y/n) could feel it. Almost suspiciously cocky.

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