Chapter 10 - I Had Fun Today.

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"There is no way that would even be remotely possible!"

"Well, we can conjure energy from thin air, now, can't we, 'Sparkles'." Stephen rebutted, smirking at his use of her nickname as they walked out of the lift and into the kitchen.

"Oh, no, no. You don't get to call me that-"

"Hey Sparkles!" Tony called as he saw (Y/n) & Stephen arrive back at the tower. Stephen started to laugh before Tony called out again, "Wizard! Nice to see you two getting out."

(Y/n) started to crack up at his reaction, before he nudged her in the ribs. She winced, both forgetting about her recent injury from training.

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine." She smiled.

It was nice to laugh with him again. It felt so easy slipping back into their old habits. And they knew each other so well that it was hard for them not to get sucked into conversations like this; They had been arguing about their opinions on unrealistic movie plots on their walk back to the tower.

They did, however, stop at a grocery store to pick up some stuff before reaching back home.

"Where the hell have you two been?"

Steve walked into the kitchen as the two sorcerers started unloading their bags. Natasha, Wanda and Sam walked in just behind, curious at the sound of Steve's irritation, joining Tony at a distance.

"I know you weren't getting groceries." He started before (Y/n) had a chance to explain their obvious shopping bags now sitting on the kitchen counters.

"Steve..." Natasha moved over to place her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to try to calm his now vexed state. But he ignored her and moved, slowly, around the kitchen island and towards (Y/n).

She didn't know what he was going to do, but before he could do anything, she rushed through her book bag and grabbed a small paper bag before sticking it out in front of herself, and at Steve. Under no circumstances was she about to let him 'confiscate' her books, let alone ruin her pleasant day out. Steve simply raised an eyebrow before a small smile started cracking his tough exterior.

"I thought you forgot last time." He sighed, looking into the bag and seeing a deliciously fudgy brownie awaiting him.

(Y/n) and Stephen shared a knowing look, slightly confused how Steve hadn't seen the brownie she had brought back for him a few days ago.

"Did you not check the fridge?" (Y/n) questioned, seeing Steve almost done with his new snack.

"Stark said my container was empty."

Stephen had moved to grab the container out of the fridge and passed it over to (Y/n) before they watched the confused look wash over Steve's face.

"Well, open it!" She exclaimed.

As Steve opened the lid, he was shocked to not only see that Tony had lied to him, but he saw 4 more brownies all packed together. Tony rushed to Steve's side, now seeing the container filled to the brim with brownies.

"It was empty when I opened it!"

"Oh, so you're responsible for stealing Steve's brownies?" (Y/n) said as she narrowed her eyes to Tony, crossing her arms as the rest of the room turned towards him.

"I- No- Thor opened it first!" He defended, causing the room to giggle at his lame response.

"Wait, but why are there so many?"

"Well, the container was spelled to reveal only its contents to its owner, hence the name on the lid. And I may or may not have added an extra little enchantment that duplicated the brownie every time an 'imposter Steve' opened the box. You know, since they keep 'going missing'." (Y/n) informed, pleased with Steve's awe.

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